Table of Contents
- Install NGROK. Ngrok exposes a local development environment to the internet. With Ngrok you can get messages from Twilio to your local server. See "Building a Basic Application using Twilio API and WhatsApp with Spring" to learn about how to setup Ngrok quickly.
- Create a Twilio Account.
- Get your account sid and auth token from your Twilio account.
- Change "account-sid" and "auth-token" fields with your credentials in the application.yaml file.
- Download the repo to your machine.
- Download required dependencies with Maven.
- Run the server from IntelliJ IDEA.
- Send "join your-sandbox-name" Whatsapp message to the phone number given you by Twilio. Watch Twilio Sandbox Video for more information.
- After joining the sandbox you can now send a location message to the phone number.
- Integrate Twilio to the project
- Get location message from Whatsapp users
- Use location message to get current weather forecast from "Weather Api"
- Create weather forecast message using Weather Api's response
- Send weather forecast message to the user
- Multi-language Support
- Chinese
- Spanish
Oğuzhan Çevik - @oguzhancevik
Süreyya Şentürk - @SureyyaSenturk
Kadir Yüksel - @WastedHymn
Project Link: Whatsapp Chatbot
Some useful links to learn about API's and frameworks.