Run a command in the process runner.
Use onBeforeTest
for a command that is called on the before-test
event. For instance, to initialise a
test database. If the command is a readyForStartParticipant
, the start test will be delayed until this
command is finished.
Use onBeforeTestNoWait
for a command that is called on the before-test
event but does not wait
for the command to finish. This is useful for initializing processes or tasks that can run in parallel with
the test setup and do not require a blocking operation.
Use the onStartTest
for the command to run during the test run (e.g. the actual load test).
When the command ends and continueOnKeepAliveParticipant
is true, a stop test request is sent.
If the command runs for a long time (e.g. a non-self ending load test), it is cancelled at the end of the
test run in the after-test
or abort-test
Use onKeepAlive
for a command that is run every keep-alive event. You can use this
to poll the running of a remote load test process for instance. When this command does not
return success (exit code 0), a stop is requested.
Use onAbort
for a command that is called on an abort-test
event. For instance, to stop a
remote running load test process.
Use onAfterTest
for a command that is called on an after-test
event. For instance, clean up
artifacts from a another command.
Only when all keep-alive commands that are indicated as continueOnKeepAliveParticipant
request a stop,
the test-run is actually stopped.
Use onScheduledEvent
for a command that is called in an event scheduler script.
Use runcommand
event. Use name
to match one specific command runner event to trigger.
Use key=value parameters with ;
separated key=value pairs.
In the command surround the keys underscores to be replaced, like __key__
Use __testRunId__
to be replaced by the test run id from the current test context.
Example of a line in a schedule script is:
PT30S|run-command(scale to 3)|name=k8sCommand;app=myapp;namespace=mynamespace;replicas=3
The PT30S
is when the event should happen after start of test, so 30 seconds after the start.
The run-command(scale to 3)
is the event identifier and a message to be included in the registered event
so you can see what its purpose is. The name
matches a name of a command runner plugin config.
If no specific name is given, all command runner configs that contain an onScheduledEvent
will be triggered.
The app
, namespace
and replicas
are variables used in the command itself. Use underscores in the command
so these are replaced before being run. Example:
<onScheduledEvent>kubectl -n __namespace__ scale --replicas=__replicas__ --timeout=1m deployment __app__</onScheduledEvent>
Note: used executables in the commands should be available
on the PATH
of the process that runs this (e.g. the CI server).
Use sendTestRunConfig
to send the command to Perfana test config. Disabled by default.
Be careful not to send secrets via this option.
In commands, use __testRunId__
to be replaced by the test run id from the current test context.
In this example the first command has a simulated load test by sleeping 20 seconds, the second 24 seconds. When both commands are done, a stop test is requested.
The test will also stop when both /tmp/test-run-1.busy
and /tmp/test-run-2.busy
are removed before the
commands end, e.g. by running rm -v /tmp/test-run-*.busy
PT30S|run-command(scale to 3)|name=k8sCommand;app=myapp;namespace=mynamespace;replicas=3
PT1M|run-command(scale to 1)|name=k8sCommand;app=myapp;namespace=mynamespace;replicas=1
<eventConfig implementation="">
<onStartTest>echo simulate a running load test; sleep 20; echo end load test simulation</onStartTest>
<onBeforeTest>touch /tmp/test-run-1.busy; echo command to start K6 runner 1 for ${testRunId};</onBeforeTest>
<onKeepAlive>ls /tmp/test-run-1.busy</onKeepAlive>
<onAbort>rm /tmp/test-run-1.busy</onAbort>
<onAfterTest>rm /tmp/test-run-1.busy</onAfterTest>
<eventConfig implementation="">
<onStartTest>echo simulate a running load test; sleep 24; echo end load test simulation</onStartTest>
<onBeforeTest>touch /tmp/test-run-2.busy; \
echo command to start K6 runner 2</onBeforeTest>
<onKeepAlive>ls /tmp | grep -q test-run-2.busy</onKeepAlive>
<onAbort>rm /tmp/test-run-2.busy; \
echo abort K6 runner 2</onAbort>
<onAfterTest>rm /tmp/test-run-2.busy; echo end ${testRunId}</onAfterTest>
<eventConfig implementation="">
<onScheduledEvent>kubectl -n __namespace__ scale --replicas=__replicas__ --timeout=1m deployment __app__</onScheduledEvent>
See also: