- show Infos as Circle Statistics, no images used
- based on SVG and jquery
- many options can be set
- fully responsive
Include circliful & jquery to your Site.
<link href="css/jquery.circliful.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.circliful.min.js"></script>
It's tested up to jQuery Versions:
- 1.12.4
- 2.2.4
- 3.1.0
Test it directly on JS Fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/9dajqcr1/
Add an element to your Site with a unique id and an "container" around it that controls the size of your circle statistic, here a example with bootstrap:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<div id="test-circle"></div>
Add this code at the end of your site
$( document ).ready(function() {
animationStep: 5,
foregroundBorderWidth: 5,
backgroundBorderWidth: 15,
percent: 75
Option | Description | Type | Default |
foregroundColor | color of the foreground circle (no color add value 'none') | RGB or string | #3498DB |
backgroundColor | color of the background circle (no color add value 'none') | RGB or string | #eee |
fillColor | fill color of circle | RGB or string | none |
pointColor | fill color of point circle | RGB or string | none |
pointSize | Size of point circle | int | 28.5 |
foregroundBorderWidth | width of foreground circle border | int | 15 |
backgroundBorderWidth | width of background circle border | int | 15 |
animation | if the circle should be animated initially | int | 1 |
animationStep | can be 1 to 100, how fast or slow the animation should be | int | 5 |
progressColor | change color of foreground circle as percents changed({ 50: '#FF6C00', 60: '#FF6C00'}) | object | null |
halfCircle | draw half circle see example bellow | boolean | false |
animateInView | animate circle on scroll into view | boolean | false |
strokeLinecap | used shape at the end | string | butt |
Option | Description | Type | Default |
fontColor | color of the percentage | RGB | #aaa |
percentageY | vertical position of the percentage text | integer | 100 |
percentageX | horizontal position of the percentage text | integer | 100 |
percent | can be 1 to 100 | integer | 75 |
percentageTextSize | font size of the percentage text | integer | 22 |
textAdditionalCss | additional css for the percentage text | string | '' |
targetPercent | draws a circle around the main circle | integer | 0 |
targetTextSize | font size of the target percentage | integer | 17 |
targetColor | fill color of the target circle | RGB | #2980B9 |
text | info text shown bellow the percentage in the circle | string | '' |
textStyle | css inline style you want to add to your info text | string | '' |
textColor | font color of the info text | RGB | #666 |
textY | vertical position of your info text | integer | null |
textX | horizontal position of your info text | integer | null |
textBelow | aligns string of "text" property centered below the circle | boolean | false |
multiPercentage | turns multiple bars on if set to 1 | integer | 1 |
percentages | array of percent, color and title for each circle | array | [] |
multiPercentageLegend | show a legend with title, color and percentage on the right | integer | 0 |
noPercentageSign | to hide the percentage sign | boolean | false |
replacePercentageByText | replace the percentage shown in the circle by text | string | null |
decimals | number of decimal places to show | integer | 0 |
alwaysDecimals | shows decimals while animating instead of only at the end or if less than 1 | boolean | false |
title | title of the circle | string | Circle Chart |
description | description of the circle | string | '' |
beforePercent | sign or icon before percentage | string | '' |
showPercent | when set to 0 no percentage is shown | integer | 1 |
Option | Description | Type | Default |
icon | font awesome icon, details bellow | string | none |
iconSize | font size of the icon | integer | 30 |
iconColor | color of the icon | RGB | #ccc |
iconPosition | position of the icon (top, bottom, left, right or middle) | string | top |
iconDecoration | decoration of icon percetage | boolean | true |
All Options can also be set as data attributes, for example:
<div id="test-circle" data-animation="1" data-animationStep="5" data-percent="58"></div>
animationStep: 5,
foregroundBorderWidth: 5,
backgroundBorderWidth: 15,
percent: 80,
halfCircle: 1,
animation: 1,
animationStep: 5,
foregroundBorderWidth: 7,
backgroundBorderWidth: 7,
textSize: 28,
textStyle: 'font-size: 12px;',
textColor: '#666',
multiPercentage: 1,
percentages: [
{'percent': 10, 'color': '#3180B8', 'title': 'Gryffindor' },
{'percent': 30, 'color': '#4ADBEA', 'title': 'Ravenclaw' },
{'percent': 50, 'color': '#49EBA8', 'title': 'Hufflepuff' },
{'percent': 70, 'color': '#FFCA35', 'title': 'Slytherin' }
multiPercentageLegend: 1,
replacePercentageByText: '',
backgroundColor: '#eee',
icon: 'f0d0',
iconPosition: 'middle',
iconColor: '#273B4E'
In action: https://jsfiddle.net/0c8qaqaj/41/
Gets fired on complete.
animation: 1,
animationStep: 10,
foregroundBorderWidth: 5,
backgroundColor: "none",
fillColor: '#eee',
percent: 75,
iconColor: '#3498DB',
icon: 'f206',
iconSize: '40',
iconPosition: 'middle',
}, function(){
alert('done !');
Go to https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/css/font-awesome.css and copy/paste the string after the slash for Example hdd icon:
.fa-hdd-o:before {
content: "\f0a0";
copy/paste f0a0 into the parameter field { icon: 'f0a0' }
Example with sign:
animationStep: 5,
percent: 80,
beforePercent: '+'
Example with icon:
animationStep: 5,
percent: 80,
beforePercent: 'f0a0'
percent: 80,
strokeLinecap: 'round'
If you find this plugin usefull or/and use it commercially please donate as much as you like.