- Install docker, git clone the repo
- Set the UNIFI_PASS env variable to be equal to the password for the apibrowser user for the unifi controller interface. (if the password is "bob", run
export UNIFI_PASS=bob
) - Run
docker compose up
- Navigate to https://apibrowser.phillycommunitywireless.org/# and log in.
To set a login password you have to pick your password, then hash it using sha512, then get the hexdigest of the password. In python 3:
import hashlib
password = "password_text".encode()
m = hashlib.sha512()
# This will return your final value
Paste the result into the APIBROWSERPASS value in the unifiapibrowser service in docker-compose.yml
Docker for unifi browser https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-browser
Includes support for UniFiOS on UDMP - see note on ports
The API Browser lets you pull raw, JSON formatted data from the API running on your controller.
To run this container you will need to define the following variables:
Environment Variable | Default | Explanation |
USER | Your unifi username | Your username on unifi console - consider creating a restricted user |
PASSWORD | Your unifi password | clear text unifi password |
UNIFIURL | | URL to your controller without the port or trailing / on the URL |
PORT | 443 | Port if you changed the port unifi is running on - default env var setting 443 is now the default for UDM / UDMP for older UniFiOS based controllers change to 8443 controllers |
DISPLAYNAME | My Site Name | Arbitrary name you want to refer to this site as in API Browser |
NOAPIBROWSERAUTH | 0 | use to disable browser auth |
APIBROWSERUSER | admin | username to secure the API Browser instance |
APIBROWSERPASS | see note | Note: Generate a SHA512 of the password you want and put here, you can use a tool like https://abunchofutils.com/u/computing/sha512-hash-calculator/ by default the password is 'admin' i.e. c7ad44cbad762a5da0a452f9e854fdc1e0e7a52a38015f23f3eab1d80b931dd472634dfac71cd34ebc35d16ab7fb8a90c81f975113d6c7538dc69dd8de9077ec |
To get started this is the minimum number of options, be sure to append each envar with the required text (esp the SHA512):
docker run --name unifiapibrowser -p:8000:8000 -e USER= -e PASSWORD= -e UNIFIURL= -e APIBROWSERPASS= scyto/unifibrowser
This will run the container on host port 8000/tcp.
This is the fastest way to get running for unifios and doesn't require the use of the hash
version: '3.8'
- 8010:8000
USER: unifi console local account
PASSWORD: unifi console password
NOAPIBROWSERAUTH: 1 # disables auth to apibrowser
PORT: 443
image: scyto/unifibrowser
Unifi-API-Browser supports multiple controllers. To use them copy the users.php and config.php into a host directory and the map them into the container with the additional following command line options:
-v <YourHostPath>/config.php:/UniFi-API-browser/config/config.php
-v <YourHostPath>/config.php:/UniFi-API-browser/config/users.php
Editing these files is beyond the scope of this readme.md but both contain good instructions
If you find any issues please log them at the github repo https://github.com/scyto/docker-UnifiBrowser