- assets/
- blinkies-bg/: frames used when creating blinkies.
- components/: PNG's used as an overlay.
- png/: PNG's used as a background.
- blinkies-frames: Temp storage of blinkie frames. Contents created during runtime.
- .fonts/: Extracted font files, used when making blinkies. For use in fontData.js
- fonts-full/: Original ZIP files of the fonts in .fonts.
- blinkies-bg/: frames used when creating blinkies.
- logs/: Usage logs created during runtime.
- public/: Files that are provided statically (as-is).
- blinkies-public/display/: Examples of generate-able blinkies. File-names must correspond to the equivalent generator in blinkieData.js.
- archive/: Examples of blinkies the generators are based on, for blinkies.cafe/archive.
- static/: Static files for use in the HTML. CSS, client-side Javascript, favicons and non-blinkie images.
- txt/: Public text files.
- blinkies-public/display/: Examples of generate-able blinkies. File-names must correspond to the equivalent generator in blinkieData.js.
- src/: Server-side scripts.
- data/
- blinkieData.js: Blinkie template data used to generate blinkies.
- fontData.js: Script that contains font data.
- subData.js: Data for crediting template submitters.
- gen/gen-blinkie.sh: (Legacy) Bash script to generate blinkies
- blinkiegen.js: Script to generate blinkies!
- controller.js: Script with serve functions, for use in routes.js.
- logger.js: Script for logging.
- routes.js: Script that handles Express routing (serving static files, setting /api/ routes etc)
- sanitize.js: Functions for sanitizing strings, for use in other scripts.
- data/
- views/pages/: .ejs files & .txt files for generating HTML.
- blog/: .ejs files for blog posts.
- components/: .html files to include in other templates/views.
- blt.sh: Multi-use Bash script to control the Docker container.
- server.js: Entrypoint/main script for Express/the website.
The code in this project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Original blinkies are licensed under CC BY.