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x1y committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 7726958 commit 5f7b57c
Showing 79 changed files with 341 additions and 329 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Install `git` and check out the website repository using the following command:

git clone
cd website-main
cd website

### Get Hugo
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ hugo
## Site structure

├── archetypes/
│ └──
├── assets/
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions content/blog/
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@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ git clone
Then change the directory into the folder:

cd website-main
cd website

And then preview the website using:
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The complete process is explained in details under
The project is structured the following:

├── archetypes/
│ └──
├── assets/
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions content/blog/
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@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ I’d like to thank [JF](, [Peter](https://twitt

In case you missed it, we ran a little [April fool’s spoof]( at the beginning of the month. I must admit that I am not a fan of the April fool’s tradition and we, as a project, haven’t really dabbled in pranks before. So, then, why did we publish the post and why am I mentioning it now? - because, as with any good joke, the April fools post contained an element of truth to it. More on this later on the update, seriously. 

It is time for the second community quarterly Q&A. If you’re reading this on the day of the community update’s publication, then make sure to stick around and join in later today/ tonight on [Youtube](, [Discord]( or [PeerTube]( We’ll be going live at 19:00 GMT/ 12:00 PT. The point of the Q&A is for us to take questions live and answer them then and there. I’ll be taking questions live from the chats - you have a choice of [Discord](, [IRC]( and [Telegram]( From [previous experience]( I know that the chat will more than likely turn into a wall of text in a matter of minutes - I therefore ask that you ‘at’ me (@lukasz) before writing your question, otherwise I will more than likely miss it. I will likely bring in developers to answer questions too - make sure to ping people you direct questions to. Once the Q&A is over we'll head over to one of the casual voice chats and hang out for the rest of the evening. I hope to see you there.
It is time for the second community quarterly Q&A. If you’re reading this on the day of the community update’s publication, then make sure to stick around and join in later today/ tonight on [Youtube](, [Discord]( or [PeerTube]( We’ll be going live at 19:00 GMT/ 12:00 PT. The point of the Q&A is for us to take questions live and answer them then and there. I’ll be taking questions live from the chats - you have a choice of [Discord](, [IRC]( and [Telegram]( From [previous experience]( I know that the chat will more than likely turn into a wall of text in a matter of minutes - I therefore ask that you ‘at’ me (@lukasz) before writing your question, otherwise I will more than likely miss it. I will likely bring in developers to answer questions too - make sure to ping people you direct questions to. Once the Q&A is over we'll head over to one of the casual voice chats and hang out for the rest of the evening. I hope to see you there.

{{< youtube id="tORlxpzmF3U" >}}

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ The product team is in advanced talks with a factory regarding resuming producti

**Yes, there will be bundles**

Lastly, I am thrilled to let you know that [PINE64 EU]( will be going live on May 10, 2022. By the time you read this, the Polish state should already have listed PINE64 EU as a registered company and all required paperwork should be in place to start sales. The website and logistics are also all ready to go. However, I am still awaiting approval from the debit/credit card payment gate, which takes a long time. I am also waiting for the hardware itself. With less than a month to go, I’ll be posting frequent updates on the store’s [Twitter]( and the newly set-up [Telegram news]( channel. I don’t foresee any issues at this stage, but should any problems arise (I am thinking about customs in particular) I will make sure to communicate it publicly via social media. Telegram and Twitter is where you will find all future communication from PINE64 EU.
Lastly, I am thrilled to let you know that [PINE64 EU]( will be going live on May 10, 2022. By the time you read this, the Polish state should already have listed PINE64 EU as a registered company and all required paperwork should be in place to start sales. The website and logistics are also all ready to go. However, I am still awaiting approval from the debit/credit card payment gate, which takes a long time. I am also waiting for the hardware itself. With less than a month to go, I’ll be posting frequent updates on the store’s [Twitter]( and the newly set-up [Telegram news]( channel. I don’t foresee any issues at this stage, but should any problems arise (I am thinking about customs in particular) I will make sure to communicate it publicly via social media. Telegram and Twitter is where you will find all future communication from PINE64 EU.

## QuartzPro64

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@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ I’d also like to thank [JF]( for covering the

A recent series of events led me to rethink our formal rules of community engagement. As the community grows - and at a rapid pace at that - moderators and community members need to have clear guidelines to reference concerning the type of engagements we, as a community, are willing to accept. Before I write anything else, let me start by saying I am not a fan of heavy-handed moderation; I believe that just as in everyday life you’ll eventually run into a jerk in any community. This is just how life is, and I don’t believe that it's the role of moderators to educate people about civil conduct. But there are certainly some new and worrying trends that need to be addressed, so I’ll be writing up a new code of conduct / community rules in the coming weeks. The reason why I am mentioning it in this section, is because I’ll be [posting the draft]( of the new rules on the forum so that we can debate various aspects of the rules and (hopefully) agree on some of the more nuanced points I intend to make. 

The second topic I wanted to touch upon in this section concerns the use of the PINE64 logo and brand-name. We have recently experienced three types of infringements: 1) online resellers selling PINE64 hardware pretending to be Pine Store Ltd.; 2) merchandise sellers using our logo on swag without consent and; 2) our logo being used and misused without our consent in undesired contexts. In result, we are currently working on precise guidelines pertaining to the use of our logo and brand-name. This will arm PINE64 community and Pine Store Ltd., with the necessary documentation to tackle instances of infringements (e.g. when sending out _Cease and Desist_ notices to parties at fault) and when seeking legal recourse. This documentation will be available on the [PINE64 Wiki]( next month. For those of you who wonder, here are the general rules concerning the use of the PINE64 logo and brand-name. You are allowed to use, alter and replicate both the logo and brand-name for non-commercial use without any prior consent. This extends to both software and non-software material. If you are one of our partner projects you’re welcome to use our logo alongside your own in commercial software or in promotional materials. For small-scale commercial use benefiting the community - such as, for instance swag, hardware add-ons or embellishments (e.g. protective vinyls) - you’ll receive consent after contacting us. All other use of the PINE64 logo or brand-name in a commercial context requires consent which can only be granted by Pine Store Ltd., in a legally binding document.  
The second topic I wanted to touch upon in this section concerns the use of the PINE64 logo and brand-name. We have recently experienced three types of infringements: 1) online resellers selling PINE64 hardware pretending to be Pine Store Ltd.; 2) merchandise sellers using our logo on swag without consent and; 2) our logo being used and misused without our consent in undesired contexts. In result, we are currently working on precise guidelines pertaining to the use of our logo and brand-name. This will arm PINE64 community and Pine Store Ltd., with the necessary documentation to tackle instances of infringements (e.g. when sending out _Cease and Desist_ notices to parties at fault) and when seeking legal recourse. This documentation will be available on the [PINE64 Wiki]( next month. For those of you who wonder, here are the general rules concerning the use of the PINE64 logo and brand-name. You are allowed to use, alter and replicate both the logo and brand-name for non-commercial use without any prior consent. This extends to both software and non-software material. If you are one of our partner projects you’re welcome to use our logo alongside your own in commercial software or in promotional materials. For small-scale commercial use benefiting the community - such as, for instance swag, hardware add-ons or embellishments (e.g. protective vinyls) - you’ll receive consent after contacting us. All other use of the PINE64 logo or brand-name in a commercial context requires consent which can only be granted by Pine Store Ltd., in a legally binding document.  

Lastly, if you haven’t done so yet I’d like to invite you to watch Matthew (fire219) Petry’s talk on Matrix’s Youtube channel. Matthew spoke about the PINE64 community, the separation of competences between the community and Pine Store Ltd., as well as his hurdles with getting the ROCKPro64 cluster fully functional. 

@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@

Let me start by assuring you that the current Pinebook Pro batch is still [on schedule]( and will be delivered to us, from the factory, on August 24. This is yet another large batch of Pinebook Pros, and it will surely bring in new developers to the existing talent pool as well as draw the attention of prospectus partner projects. As you will find out further on in this section, this is also arguably the best time to be getting your unit as support for the device is growing. As for the hardware itself; for this batch of Pinebook Pros - as well as for all future production-runs - we are using a third-party QA service to give the laptops a thorough check prior to shipments going out. This is an arrangement which we reached via a mutual understanding with the new Pinebook Pro factory. We trust this will further reduce reports of DOA units and other types of hardware failures.

The big news of this month is that elementary is currently testing a pre-release of elementary OS 6 _Odin_ for the Pinebook Pro. For those of you unfamiliar with elementary OS, it is a sleek distribution built on Ubuntu LTS, which ships with a (subjectively) beautiful and simple GTK desktop environment called Pantheon and a tailored store - the AppCenter.  When the build becomes publicly available, it will offer a tailored experience for the Pinebook Pro, featuring countless tweaks to make Pantheon run well on the hardware. I also feel it is worth mentioning that the Pinebook Pro is the first Arm device to receive support from elementary. Needless to say, we are thrilled to see another highly requested OS land on our platform, and we’re thankful to the devs for all their effort in making this happen. I have now been running elementary OS on my Pinebook Pro for the past couple of weeks and I am happy to report that the experience is already very solid. I highly encourage you to visit [elementary’s website]( and join their friendly [community]( If you can’t wait to try the build out, then please consider supporting elementary via GitHub sponsors - []( - as this will grant you early access to the OS image.
The big news of this month is that elementary is currently testing a pre-release of elementary OS 6 _Odin_ for the Pinebook Pro. For those of you unfamiliar with elementary OS, it is a sleek distribution built on Ubuntu LTS, which ships with a (subjectively) beautiful and simple GTK desktop environment called Pantheon and a tailored store - the AppCenter.  When the build becomes publicly available, it will offer a tailored experience for the Pinebook Pro, featuring countless tweaks to make Pantheon run well on the hardware. I also feel it is worth mentioning that the Pinebook Pro is the first Arm device to receive support from elementary. Needless to say, we are thrilled to see another highly requested OS land on our platform, and we’re thankful to the devs for all their effort in making this happen. I have now been running elementary OS on my Pinebook Pro for the past couple of weeks and I am happy to report that the experience is already very solid. I highly encourage you to visit [elementary’s website]( and join their friendly [community]( If you can’t wait to try the build out, then please consider supporting elementary via GitHub sponsors - []( - as this will grant you early access to the OS image.


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@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ Speaking of deadlines, this update didn't have a very long time in the proverbia

### Rework of the community website and logo

If you missed the announcement, an initial rework of the community website was announced. The announcement blog post can be read exclusively on the new beta site:
If you missed the announcement, an initial rework of the community website was announced. The announcement blog post can be read [exclusively on the new beta site](/2023/04/13/a_new_design/).

The overall idea of the reworked community website is to move away from a WordPress site and to open up the site to contributions from all community members. This is done by hosting the website on Git and by generating the contents using the blazing-fast framework *Hugo*. Large parts of the website are created from simple markdown files, which are easy to understand and to edit. Alongside the rework of the community website, there was also a challenge launched, which has the goal of improving the appearance of the community logo. The details can be read under Bring in your best ideas if you haven't done so yet. Ideas are best submitted to
The overall idea of the reworked community website is to move away from a WordPress site and to open up the site to contributions from all community members. This is done by hosting the website on Git and by generating the contents using the blazing-fast framework *Hugo*. Large parts of the website are created from simple markdown files, which are easy to understand and to edit. Alongside the rework of the community website, there was also a challenge launched, which has the goal of improving the appearance of the community logo. The details can be read under [the logo challenge](/contests/the-logo-challenge/). Bring in your best ideas if you haven't done so yet. Ideas are best submitted to

Since the last blog post, there has been various improvements made to the beta community website. The improvements include changes to the style of various sites, improvements to the front site slider and inclusion of more slides, rewrite of pages as markdown files (such as the index page), creation of more board graphics and many more changes.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion content/blog/
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@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ In other hardware news, the most recent production run of the PinePhone Pro has

**Nano SIM slot on the PinePhone Pro**

There are a few software news I’d also like to cover this month. The most notable of which, and one which will eventually surely find its way into all OSes, concerns sound on the PinePhone Pro. [Megi]( has recently released a set of patches that address some of the issues people have been experiencing: sound codec not working after boot (prior to an app playing audio), changing controls while headphone or speaker output is active breaks audio, sound stutter when serial console is enabled in CLI, OUTMIX and RECMIX drivers not matching the schematic and microphone quality. I invite you to read and follow [megi’s development (b)log]( to learn of the details but, in short, the patches ought to improve the sound situation on the PinePhone Pro. I hope to see them make their way into individual OSes soon. 
There are a few software news I’d also like to cover this month. The most notable of which, and one which will eventually surely find its way into all OSes, concerns sound on the PinePhone Pro. [Megi]( has recently released a set of patches that address some of the issues people have been experiencing: sound codec not working after boot (prior to an app playing audio), changing controls while headphone or speaker output is active breaks audio, sound stutter when serial console is enabled in CLI, OUTMIX and RECMIX drivers not matching the schematic and microphone quality. I invite you to read and follow [megi’s development (b)log]( to learn of the details but, in short, the patches ought to improve the sound situation on the PinePhone Pro. I hope to see them make their way into individual OSes soon. 

As for the OSes, we’ve seen a few releases for the PinePhone and PinePhone Pro this past month. This includes (at least to my knowledge - there may be others) postmarketOS, Manjaro, OpenSUSE and DanctNIX (Arch). Most of the distributions shipping the Phosh mobile environment have now updated to the newest version which adds swiping motions; I haven’t had the opportunity to try the newest version of Phosh myself, but I hear very good things about it. I would also like to note that OpenSUSE shared an image of the PinePhone charging wirelessly using the Qi wireless charging case (currently out of stock), which is super cool to see. I am including a picture from the tweet below.


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