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Reimplementation of World Models using HumbleRL framework. Allows to easily train a world model on OpenAI Gym environments.

Getting started

Clone this repository and install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic usage


To see script-level help, run: python --help. Note: By default, logs from TensorFlow are hidden by setting TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to value of 3. To change it, define environment variable TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL.

Command-line options:

-c, --config-path    - Path to .json config (Default: "config.json")
--debug/--no-debug   - Enable debug level logging (Default: False)
--quiet/--no-quiet   - Disable info level logging (Default: False)
--render/--no-render - Vision/Memory will save example plots, Memory needs to get Vision ckpt path in arguments (Default: False)

Note: For some games (e.g. CarRacing-v0), you need to add --render option for every command in which the environment is directly interacted with (record_data, train_ctrl, eval) - that's because some games need to actually render the window to generate proper frames during env.step() (CarRacing issue).


Parameters used in training and evaluation are stored in JSON config.

By default, config.json.dist will be used. To customize configuration you can provide your own config using option -c PATH. Default custom config filename is config.json.

If you don't specify some parameter in .json config, then default value from config.json.dist is used.


Commands correspond to different actions you can perform with

To see available commands, run: python --help.

To see command-level help, run: python COMMAND --help.

Commands are described below, in context of training a world model from scratch.

World Model

World model consists of 3 parts:

  • Vision (V), which is responsible for encoding the high-dimensional observation into low-dimensional latent state (VAE),
  • Memory (M), which encodes the history and is trained to predict future states (MDN-RNN),
  • Controller (C), which uses V (as current observation summary) and M (as temporal summary) to select actions (CMA-ES).

World model

Image taken from original paper.

For more information on World Models, see the original website or paper.


Vision, Memory and Controller need to be trained separately, in this order.

General config parameters

Most of the parameters (environment, architecture, paths, etc.) are controlled by a JSON config (see config.json.dist). The general parameters are described here, the rest is covered within appropriate context.

"general": {
    "game_name"        : "Boxing-v0",            -- Name of the game we want to play (see OpenAI Gym enviroments).
    "state_shape"      : [64, 64, 3],            -- Shape of state (game frame) we want to work on. If frame shape is
                                                 -- different, it will be reshaped before operating on it.
    "crop_range"       : "[30:183, 28:131, :]"   -- What we want to crop from game frame. Since some games have
                                                 -- redundant information (e.g. score, time), we can remove this
                                                 -- information by performing the crop operation for every axis.
    "generating_agent" : "random"                -- Agent to use for data generation. By default, a random agent is used
                                                 -- but for same games, e.g. CarRacing-v0, it's not enough to properly
                                                 -- explore the game. For CarRacing-v0, use "car_racing" agent.

Vision training

Collect transitions for Vision training

To train the Vision, we need to first collect the dataset to train on. The transitions are generated by a random agent and stored in HDF5 file, that will later be used to train the Vision component.

To record the transitions to data/vae.hdf5 file, run:

python record_data data/vae.hdf5

Command-line options:

-n, --n_games     - Number of games to play (Default: 10000)
-c, --chunk_size  - HDF5 chunk size (Default: 128)
-t, --state_dtype - Numpy data type of state (Default: uint8)

Train Vision component

We can use collected trajectories, to train a Variatonal Autoencoder, which will act as our Vision component.

To train the Vision component, run:

python train_vae data/vae.hdf5

Config options:

"vae_training": {
    "batch_size"       : 256,
    "latent_space_dim" : 16,                   -- Size of latent space vector, which is the result of feature extraction
                                               -- done by VAE on input observation (game frame).
    "epochs"           : 300,
    "learning_rate"    : 0.001,
    "patience"         : 5,                    -- After this many epochs, if validation loss does not improve, the training is stopped.
    "ckpt_path"        : "./ckpt/vision.ckpt", -- Path to best model (checkpoint).
    "logs_dir"         : "./logs"              -- Path to directory with logs.

Best model will be saved to and loaded from ckpt_path.

Memory training

Prepare gathered transitions for Memory training

Using trained Vision module, we can preprocess states gathered by record_data and save them in a different HDF5 file (other data in HDF5 stays the same, e.g. actions). This new dataset can be later used to train the Memory component.

To convert transitions stored in data/vae.hdf5 file using VAE model specified in config and save them to data/mem.hdf5, run:

python convert_data data/vae.hdf5 data/mem.hdf5

Command-line options:

-v, --vae_path - Path to VAE ckpt. Taken from .json config if `None` (Default: None)'

Train Memory component

We can use collected trajectories, to train a MDN-RNN (Mixture Density Network Recurrent Neural Network), which will act as our Memory component.

To train the Memory component, run:

python train_mem data/mem.npz

Config options:

"rnn_training": {
    "batch_size"         : 128,
    "sequence_len"       : 1000,                 -- Sequence length to use in RNN. If recorded episode is shorter, it will
                                                 -- be padded with zeros.
    "terminal_prob"      : 0.2,                  -- Probability that sampled sequence will finish with terminal state.
    "dataset_fraction"   : 1.0,                  -- Fraction of dataset to use during training, value range: (0, 1] (dataset forepart is taken).
    "hidden_units"       : 256,                  -- Number of neurons in RNN's hidden state.
    "n_gaussians"        : 5,                    -- Number of Gaussian distributions in mixture.
    "temperature"        : 1.0,                  -- Temperature parameter, used to control model uncertainty.
    "epochs"             : 1000,
    "learning_rate"      : 0.001,
    "patience"           : 10,                   -- After this many epochs, if validation loss does not improve, the training is stopped.
    "rend_n_rollouts"    : 10,                   -- Render N simulated steps using memory module. Can't be greater than sequence_len/2.
    "rend_n_episodes"    : 12,                   -- Render visualization for N episodes.
    "rend_step"          : 4,                    -- Render every Nth frame. rend_step*rend_n_rollouts can't be greater than sequence_len/2
    "ckpt_path"          : "./ckpt/memory.ckpt", -- Path to best model (checkpoint).
    "logs_dir"           : "./logs"              -- Path to directory with logs.

Best model will be saved to and loaded from ckpt_path.

Controller training

Now that we have trained Vision and Memory components, we can train the final part, which is used to perform actions - the Controller. The training is performed using Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), which can be easily parallelized on CPU.

To train the Controller with disabled OMP parallelism, run:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python train_ctrl

Config options:

"es_training": {
    "epochs"           : 300,
    "popsize"          : 64,                       -- Size of the population.
    "n_episodes"       : 5,                        -- Number of episodes to play per each member of the population.
                                                   -- The fitness score is calculated as average score from these games.
    "processes"        : -1,                       -- Number of processes to use, -1 means all processors will be used.
    "l2_decay"         : 0.01,                     -- L2 weight decay rate.
    "ckpt_path"        : "./ckpt/controller.ckpt", -- Path to CMA-ES training checkpoint.
    "mind_path"        : "./cpkt/mind.ckpt",       -- Path to weights of Controller.
    "logs_dir"         : "./logs"                  -- Path to directory with logs.

Best Controller model will be saved to and loaded from ckpt_path. Weight for Mind will be saved to mind_path_prefix``suffix files, where the suffix for best solution _best.ckpt and the suffix for mean solution is _mean.ckpt. Note: Controller's training is executed only on CPUs, it is highly recommended to setup environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 to reduce not needed CPU utilization.


After training all the components of our World Model, we can put it all together and evaluate it on the game we chose.

To do this on CPU, using models specified in config, run:


Command-line options:

-n, --n_games         - Number of games to play (Default: 3)
-v, --vae_path        - Path to VAE ckpt. Taken from .json config if `None` (Default: None)')
-m, --mdn_path        - Path to MDN-RNN ckpt. Taken from .json config if `None` (Default: None)')
-c, --controller_path - Path to Controller weights. Taken `best` version from .json config if `None` (Default: None)')


Implementation of World Models:







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