a mantra, or vibration, that is traditionally chanted
is a tool that helps you configure and deploy tiles to Ops-Manager.
Currently being maintained by the PCF Platform Automation team,
with engineering support and review from PCF Release Engineering.
The (private) backlog for Platform Automation is here.
See here for useful examples and documentation.
When working with om
it can sometimes be useful to reference the Ops Manager API docs.
You can find them at
NOTE: Additional documentation for om commands used in Pivotal Platform Automation can be found in Pivotal Documentation.
went 1.0.0 on May 7, 2019
As of that release, om
is semantically versioned.
When consuming om
in your CI system,
it is now safe to pin to a particular minor version line (major.minor.patch)
without fear of breaking changes.
The om
API consists of:
- All
commands not marked EXPERIMENTAL, and the flags for those commands - All global
flags - The format for any inputs to non-experimental
commands. - The format for any outputs from non-experimental
commands. - The file filename of the Github relases.
"EXPERIMENTAL" commands are still in development. We may rename them, alter their flags or behavior, or remove them entirely. When we're confident a command has the right basic shape and behavior, we'll remove the "EXPERIMENTAL" designation.
Changes internal to om
will NOT be included as a part of the om API.
The versioning here is for the CLI tool,
not any libraries or packages included therein.
The om
team may change any internal structs, interfaces, etc,
without reflecting such changes in the version,
so long as the outputs and behavior of the commands remain the same.
Though om
is used heavily in Platform Automation for PCF,
which is also semantically versioned.
is versioned independently from platform-automation
To download om
go to Releases.
Alternatively, you can install om
via apt-get
via Stark and Wayne:
# apt-get:
sudo wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/starkandwayne/homebrew-cf/master/public.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo echo "deb http://apt.starkandwayne.com stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/starkandwayne.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install om -y
Or by the Linux and Mac brew
brew tap pivotal-cf/om https://github.com/pivotal-cf/om
brew install om
You can also build from source.
You'll need at least Go 1.12, as
uses Go Modules to manage dependencies.
To build from source, after you've cloned the repo, run these commands from the top level of the repo:
GO112MODULE=on go mod download
GO112MODULE=on go build
Go 1.11 uses some heuristics to determine if Go Modules should be used.
The process above overrides those heuristics
to ensure that Go Modules are always used.
If you have cloned this repo outside of your GOPATH,
can be excluded from the above steps.
om helps you interact with an Ops Manager
Usage: om [options] <command> [<args>]
--client-id, -c, OM_CLIENT_ID string Client ID for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--client-secret, -s, OM_CLIENT_SECRET string Client Secret for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--connect-timeout, -o, OM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT int timeout in seconds to make TCP connections (default: 10)
--decryption-passphrase, -d, OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE string Passphrase to decrypt the installation if the Ops Manager VM has been rebooted (optional for most commands)
--env, -e string env file with login credentials
--help, -h bool prints this usage information (default: false)
--password, -p, OM_PASSWORD string admin password for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--request-timeout, -r, OM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT int timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to Ops Manager (default: 1800)
--skip-ssl-validation, -k, OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION bool skip ssl certificate validation during http requests (default: false)
--target, -t, OM_TARGET string location of the Ops Manager VM
--trace, -tr, OM_TRACE bool prints HTTP requests and response payloads
--username, -u, OM_USERNAME string admin username for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--version, -v bool prints the om release version (default: false)
OM_VARS_ENV string **EXPERIMENTAL** load vars from environment variables by specifying a prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)
activate-certificate-authority activates a certificate authority on the Ops Manager
apply-changes triggers an install on the Ops Manager targeted
assign-multi-stemcell assigns multiple uploaded stemcells to a product in the targeted Ops Manager 2.6+
assign-stemcell assigns an uploaded stemcell to a product in the targeted Ops Manager
available-products list available products
bosh-env prints bosh environment variables
certificate-authorities lists certificates managed by Ops Manager
certificate-authority prints requested certificate authority
config-template **EXPERIMENTAL** generates a config template from a Pivnet product
configure-authentication configures Ops Manager with an internal userstore and admin user account
configure-director configures the director
configure-ldap-authentication configures Ops Manager with LDAP authentication
configure-product configures a staged product
configure-saml-authentication configures Ops Manager with SAML authentication
create-certificate-authority creates a certificate authority on the Ops Manager
create-vm-extension creates/updates a VM extension
credential-references list credential references for a deployed product
credentials fetch credentials for a deployed product
curl issues an authenticated API request
delete-certificate-authority deletes a certificate authority on the Ops Manager
delete-installation deletes all the products on the Ops Manager targeted
delete-product deletes a product from the Ops Manager
delete-ssl-certificate deletes certificate applied to Ops Manager
delete-unused-products deletes unused products on the Ops Manager targeted
deployed-manifest prints the deployed manifest for a product
deployed-products lists deployed products
diagnostic-report reports current state of your Ops Manager
download-product downloads a specified product file from Pivotal Network
errands list errands for a product
export-installation exports the installation of the target Ops Manager
generate-certificate generates a new certificate signed by Ops Manager's root CA
generate-certificate-authority generates a certificate authority on the Opsman
help prints this usage information
import-installation imports a given installation to the Ops Manager targeted
installation-log output installation logs
installations list recent installation events
interpolate Interpolates variables into a manifest
pending-changes lists pending changes
pre-deploy-check **EXPERIMENTAL** lists pending changes
regenerate-certificates deletes all non-configurable certificates in Ops Manager so they will automatically be regenerated on the next apply-changes
ssl-certificate gets certificate applied to Ops Manager
stage-product stages a given product in the Ops Manager targeted
staged-config **EXPERIMENTAL** generates a config from a staged product
staged-director-config **EXPERIMENTAL** generates a config from a staged director
staged-manifest prints the staged manifest for a product
staged-products lists staged products
tile-metadata prints tile metadata
unstage-product unstages a given product from the Ops Manager targeted
update-ssl-certificate updates the SSL Certificate on the Ops Manager
upload-product uploads a given product to the Ops Manager targeted
upload-stemcell uploads a given stemcell to the Ops Manager targeted
version prints the om release version