API-ANTICHEAT was created in 27 May 2020 and developed by PK, it is an anti-cheat resource for FiveM coded in lua 5.3. It can detect 95% of client-side cheats. Our protections are configurable and provide the best protection in the FiveM scene. Anticheat is getting frequent updates since start. API-AC will be your last choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdcOC5ld2R4 https://api-anticheat.gitbook.io/apiac/introduction/first-time-user
You can purchase and automatically receive API through our website: https://api-anticheat.com
From FiveM Server owner for FiveM server owners. We're listening every suggestion and we're trying to add into API!
Updated list: 21.01.2024
- Detect most of lua menu's
- Anti Eulen
- Anti Eulen Godmode
- Anti Eulen Car spawn
- Anti Eulen Noclip
- Anti Eulen Safe Weapon Spawn
- Anti Eulen Freecam
- Anti Spectate
- Anti Armor
- Anti Blacklisted Key Log with screen
- Anti Car Spawn
- Anti Nui Devtools
- Anti Noclip
- Anti Clip modifier
- Anti Godmode
- Anti Semi-Godmode
- Anti SuperJump
- Anti Teleport
- Anti New Commands
- Anti Weird Commands
- Anti Freecam
- Anti Attach Ped to player
- Anti Spawn ped with blacklisted weapon
- Anti Asi menu
- Anti Aim Bot
- Anti Blips
- Anti Teleport to Blip/waypoint
- Anti PlayerExplode
- Anti Taze with Menu
- Anti Night Vision
- Anti Thermal Vision
- Anti Damage Boost
- Anti Infinity Ammo
- Anti Vehicle and Weapon spawn
- Anti Invisible
- Anti Speed Hack
- Anti Explosion Ammo
- Anti Weird Resources (DETECTING EULEN)
- Anti Resource Injection
- Anti Vehicle Repair/godmode
- Anti Vehicle Max Out
- Anti Vehicle Plate change
- Anti Vehicle Color change
- Anti Vehicle hash change
- Anti Vehcile Speed Modifier
- Anti Blacklisted Weapons
- Anti Model Changer
- Anti Blacklisted Cars
- Anti Eulen Injection
- Anti Trigger block client-side anticheat dynaminc trigger
- Anti Explosions
- Anti Mass explosions
- Anti Mass vehicles
- Anti Mass peds
- Anti Give All Weapons
- Anti Remove All weapons
- Anti Start Resources
- Anti Stop Resources
- Anti Mass Particles
- Anti Player Kick from vehicle
- Anti Drop Weapo nas Pick Up
- Anti VPN
- Anti Anticheat Client Side stop
- Anti Blacklisted Triggers
- Anti Triggers with weird strings
- Anti No Head
- Event Rate Limits
- Resource Counter System
- Trigger blacklist system
- Weapon blacklist system
- Car blacklist system
- Peds blacklist system
- Advanced Webhook system
- Required discord & steam system
- Blacklisted names system
- Screenshot system
- Menu Detection On Screen system
- Low ms usage
- Advanced ban system in JSON
- Hardware Bans
- Auto Setup
- Auto Update's
- Standalone
- Supports All Frameworks
- Admin Menu.
- Online Panel.
- Fully Customizable configs.
- Frequent updates.
- Easy installation.
- Including Support.
- Anticheat not causing problems with your scripts.
- Private chat to talk with other server developers.
SIMPLE VIDEO HOW IT WORKS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdcOC5ld2R4