80s music visualizer spinny thing in your browser
(big epilepsy warning: this thing is VERY flashy)
look at it go at https://pkoryzna.github.io/de_lajt/
click to start, double click for fullscreen
Mic input goes through a global gain node.
That goes into a low-pass filter node for the bass range, and high-pass and low-pass filter combo for mid range.
For each of those a custom AudioWorklet gets a bit of audio (128 samples), puts that in a ring buffer.
Every time requestAnimationFrame
calls the drawing callback, it requests via AudioWorklet's port
to read whatever has been buffered since last frame and once a reply comes back, puts that on screen.
Every frame blanks the screen a bit to simulate persistence-of-vision effect you'd get if you were staring at a real spinning LED bar.
idk what else, for details read the code i guess lol
- add knobs for filter cutoffs, colors, samples per full rotation
make the persistence-of-vision simulation blank the screen at a fixed interval (there's no fixed buffer size rendered every frame atm)for the above actually properly track what % of the full circle it's drawn (kinda broken rn)- add playing of arbitrary media (files or streams) so you can put this on a TV or something
- make the attract mode prettier lol
- try and do something about bass and midrange buffers getting slightly out of sync between callbacks (2 inputs 2 buffers in 1 worklet maybe?)
inspired by Techmoan's video about "The Lyte" electro-mechanical music visualizer
i'm not a js dev lol this is a hobby project