Perfect for writing custom shaders on a 2D plane.
Three.js boilerplate code for a square quad with custom shader & glslify support for use on
Glslify modules can be imported and used for faster prototyping.
Uses an orthographic projection camera to show a screen space quad (forced in square ratio).
Listens to window resizes to keep canvas & quad withing viewport bounds.
Passes the current time and resolution to the custom shader.
Uses yushijinhun/three-minifier
at build time to reduce three.js filesize.
Without minifier, three.js is about 531 kb, after minifier ~ 365 kb.
Then again, depends on how many extra modules you import.
Clone, download or copy this repo and run:
yarn install
yarn dev
Scene setup code can be found in sketch.js
Write your custom shader with glslify support in default.frag
Feel free to hack & break everything.
The following command will create a deploy folder and zip bundle for FXhash.
Warn: will overwrite the contents in dist
and dist-zipped
if these are already present.
yarn build
Use the following command to check for packages that could be updated:
yarn outdated
To automatically upgrade all outdated packages:
yarn upgrade --all
Open a github issue and I'll see what I can do.
Follow me on twitter at
See what I make with this on FXHash: