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Lifecycle: experimental

Goal: shinyMons2 is a pokemon app displaying information related to the 151 first pokemons (first gen). Your mission, should you accept it, will be to redesign this app currently suffering from some UX issues, following the best practices learnt during our workshop. Fear not! We’ll proceed step by step…

This project is hosted on Posit Cloud in this space.

Work instructions

Each one of you will be working in a group, an ID will be assigned to you prior to the workshop. Group leads will be randomly assigned prior to the workshop and communicated to you. Therefore, only one person/group will have to commit the code to GitHub.

  1. Group lead: Create a new branch named <group_ID> (1 per group!).
  2. Anyone: Run renv::restore().
  3. Explore poke_data.
  4. Move to fresh-start branch to start completing the workshop instructions. They are indicated by WORKSHOP TODO in the ./R/mod_poke_* files.

Note: remember that you can run styler::style_pkg() and devtools::lint() so the code style stays consistent.

Part 1 Layout

  • Wireframing.
  • bslib layout.

Part 2 colors and typo

  • bslib color palette.
  • Contrasts tuning.
  • Dark/light mode?

Part 3 interactions

  • Sanitize failing functions.
  • Handle slow functions.
  • Better help messages.

App structure

This app leveraging {golem} is composed of 7 modules. The main module is mod_poke_select, which returns the selected Pokemon (picker input) as well as its variant (shiny or not). Those data are passed to other modules. General Pokemon data, namely poke_data, have been pre-processed for you so you don’t have to focus on the data wrangling but the UI design (This also avoids us to flood the underlying API with too many requests).

If you’re more curious, browse to inst/app-doc and have a look to:

  • data-doc.html: htmlwidget showing the data structure for the first pokemon, so you get an idea on what is available to you.
  • flow: app module structure, powered by {flow}.
  • reactlog: app reactivity log explorator, powered by {reacltlog}.


You can install the development version of shinyMons2 like so:


Package dependencies

Right after cloning the repository, don’t forget to restore the R packages dependencies by doing:



To run the app, source ./app.R.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the shinyMons2 project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Exercises for the Web Design for Shiny Developers workshop




Code of conduct





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