Project task view:
Tasks calendar view:
Note: If you want to use this module you will also need to install the module web_widget_color. This module builds on top of that module. This module will give you the ability to add custom colours to tasks which will then re-color the agenda view. There is a new view created 'Agenda statuses' where you can create a status with a color from the color picker. On the project task you can then choose an agenda status. When you'd go to the kanban view you will see it being re-coloured. This module does almost the same as ```project_task_agenda_colouring``` but this module colours the Kanban view, not the agenda view. Agenda statusses view:
Project task view:
Tasks kanban view:
This module is the default sale module with a few modifications. All the changes can be seen in and sale_view.xml.
Changes in ``` def _get_default_currency(self, cr, uid, context=None): res = self.pool.get('').search(cr, uid, [('currency_id','=','EUR')], context=context) return res and res[0] or False
_columns = {
#This fills the Many2one with all data from res.currency
'currency_id_invoices': fields.many2one('res.currency', string="Valuta", required=True),
_defaults = {
#This makes the function go off that sets EUR.
'currency_id_invoices': _get_default_currency,
Changes in sale_view.xml:
<field name="currency_id_invoices"/>
<h3>Module upload_images</h3>
This module is a new module, from scratch which creates a new model (upload_images.tutorial), a new report (report_images.xml) and a new menu_item named 'Images' under Sales. In this new menu item you can upload images in multiple sizes and you will see a new report detail here. With this report you will see the image printed in multiple sizes.
<h3>Module web_widget_color</h3>
This module adds a colour picker widget to Odoo. The picker itself is inspired on the <a href="">jsColor </a> library.
To use this widget you need to create a char field in with a size of atleast 7 characters in the database:
color = fields.Char( string="Color", help="Choose your color" )
Afterwards call it in the view with ```widget="color"```:
Tree view sample:
This module is a new module, from scratch which inherits the model product.template and inherits the product view (sale > products). In this sample you can see how to add new pages, groups or fields with xpath expressions. You can see the samples in templates.xml.