- Netflix Clone made with React, Redux and AWS
npm install
npm start
Demo: Link
- React
- Create-react-app with highly complex frontend structure
- Redux
- State management and redux thunk for asynchronous api calls
- Backend and database with firestore for users
- Movie service API
- React Router
- Complex and dynamic route generation
- React Reveal
- For fade animation effect
Netflix clone made with advanced react, redux & AWS which uses redux thunk to asynchronously fetch movie data of over 30 thousand movies from Tmdb api. Features include a multi-active searchbar, user signup and signin, add to list option for each user, trailer links, dynamically generated movie and tv show pages and an interactive UI replicated from the original netflix app.
- Users can safely sign up and sign in, google sign in enabled with firebase
- Collections of popular movies and tvshows for recommendations
- A searchbar to search through TMDB database of over 30000 movies
- Movie and TV Pages dynamically generated for every single movie
- Details include imdb rating, cast info, trailer links
- Add to list feature active throughout the app
- Carousel created from scratch by using jquery
- Original netflix UI replicated with highly organized and advanced sass styling
- Implement more features as a personal practice project
- Add user profile data, profile picture and personal data setup
- Add paginations and setup category sorting
- Add python scraper to customize recommendations for each user
- Move backend and database to node and express.
- Prashant sagar
- Full credit for API data to TMDB API.