A Quadcopter geofencing simulation.
ROS Melodic Morena install the desktop version (ros-melodic-desktop)
python shapely
sudo apt install python-shapely
- Start roscore.
- Start coppeliasim (through GUI or a new terminal)
- Open the simulation in CoppeliaSim - the latest is in
SimulationFiles/Demo Simulations/parkscene.ttt
. The boundaries for the geofence are in theparkscene.geojson
Note: The final demo, using the pulchowk campus geojson map is in the sprint_pulchowk_obj.ttt file in the same folder
Then press the 'o' key in CoppeliaSim to record the start point (which right now is the point where the drone is at)
Note: the end points can be changed by changing the end_point variable in catkin_ws/src/path_planner/scripts/main.py
Source the setup file:
source setup.sh
Start the breach detector and rerouter script in two new terminals as:
rosrun geofencer breach_detector.py [geojson file for scene]
rosrun geofencer control.py
Source the setup file:
source setup.sh
rosrun path_planner main.py [geojson file for scene]
Note: The pulchowk map's offseted coordinates are in the Offsetted_Map.png file
to change/add waypoints - edit the waypoints
list in catkin_ws/src/path_planner/scripts/waypoint.py