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Releases: praw-dev/asyncpraw


20 Oct 20:49
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7.8.0 (2024/10/20)


  • :meth:~.SubredditLinkFlairTemplates.reorder to reorder a subreddit's link flair

  • :meth:~.SubredditRedditorFlairTemplates.reorder to reorder a subreddit's redditor
    flair templates.

  • Experimental :meth:~.Submission._edit_experimental for adding new inline media or
    editing a submission that has inline media.

    .. danger::

    This method is experimental. It is reliant on undocumented API endpoints and may
    result in existing inline media not displaying correctly and/or creating a
    malformed body. Use at your own risk. This method may be removed in the future
    without warning.

    This method is identical to :meth:.Submission.edit except for the following:

    • The ability to add inline media to existing posts.
    • Additional preserve_inline_media keyword argument to allow Async PRAW to attempt
      to preserve the existing inline media when editing a post. This is an experimental
      fix for an issue that occurs when editing a post with inline media would cause the
      media to lose their inline appearance.
  • :func:.stream_generator now accepts the continue_after_id parameter, which
    starts the stream after a given item ID.

  • Support for new share URL format created from Reddit's mobile apps.

  • :class:.Reddit has a new configurable parameter, window_size. This tells PRAW
    how long reddit's rate limit window is. This defaults to 600 seconds and shouldn't
    need to be changed unless reddit changes the size of their rate limit window.


  • An issue where submitting a post with media would fail due to an API change.


  • Drop support for Python 3.7, which is end-of-life on 2023-06-27.


  • XML parsing error when media uploads fail.


11 Jul 21:08
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7.7.1 (2023/07/11)


  • Drop asyncio_extras dependency, use contextlib.asynccontextmanager instead.


  • An issue with replying to a modmail conversation results in a error.


25 Feb 20:11
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7.7.0 (2023/02/25)


  • :meth:.delete_mobile_banner to delete mobile banners.
  • :meth:.upload_mobile_banner to upload mobile banners.


  • An issue with iterating :class:.ModNote when a user has more than a hundred notes.
  • An issue when uploading media during the submission of a new media post.
  • Removal reasons are now returned in the same order as they appear on Reddit.


28 Nov 07:23
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7.6.1 (2022/11/28)


  • Revert :meth:~.Comment.edit positional argument deprecation.
  • Revert :meth:~.Submission.edit positional argument deprecation.


  • An issue where :class:.ModmailConversation's messages attribute would only
    contain the latest message.


23 Oct 20:22
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7.6.0 (2022/10/23)


  • to manage pinned submissions on the authenticated user's profile.
  • :meth:.update_display_layout to update the display layout of posts in a
  • :meth:.SubredditCollectionsModeration.create keyword argument display_layout for
    specifying a display layout when creating a :class:.Collection.
  • :attr:~.Message.parent to get the parent of a :class:.Message.
  • :class:.ModNote to represent a moderator note.
  • :meth:.ModNote.delete to delete a single moderator note.
  • :class:.RedditModNotes to interact with moderator notes from a :class:.Reddit
    instance. This provides the ability to create and fetch notes for one or more
    redditors from one or more subreddits.
  • :class:.RedditorModNotes to interact with moderator notes from a :class:.Redditor
  • :meth:.RedditorModNotes.subreddits to obtain moderator notes from multiple
    subreddits for a single redditor.
  • :class:.SubredditModNotes to interact with moderator notes from a
    :class:.Subreddit instance.
  • :meth:.SubredditModNotes.redditors to obtain moderator notes for multiple redditors
    from a single subreddit.
  • :meth:~.BaseModNotes.create to create a moderator note.
  • :attr:.Redditor.notes to interact with :class:.RedditorModNotes.
  • :attr:.SubredditModeration.notes to interact with :class:.SubredditModNotes.
  • :meth:~.ModNoteMixin.create_note create a moderator note from a :class:.Comment or
  • :meth:~.ModNoteMixin.author_notes to view the moderator notes for the author of a
    :class:.Comment or :class:.Submission.


  • Drop support for Python 3.6, which is end-of-life on 2021-12-23.
  • :meth:.conversations now returns a :class:.ListingGenerator allowing you to page
    through more than 100 conversations.


  • The after argument for :meth:.conversations will now have to be included in
    params keyword argument.
  • Positional keyword arguments for applicable functions and methods. Starting with Async
    PRAW 8, most functions and methods will no longer support positional arguments. It
    will encourage more explicit argument passing, enable arguments to be sorted
    alphabetically, and prevent breaking changes when adding new arguments to existing


14 Nov 00:58
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7.5.0 (2021/11/13)


  • Log a warning if a submission's comment_sort attribute is updated after the
    submission has already been fetched and a warn_comment_sort config setting to turn
    off the warning.
  • :meth:.user_selectable to get available subreddit link flairs.
  • Automatic RateLimit handling will support errors with millisecond resolution.
  • :class:.Draft to represent a submission draft.
  • :meth:.Draft.delete to delete drafts.
  • :meth:.Draft.submit to submit drafts.
  • :meth:.Draft.update to modify drafts.
  • :class:.DraftHelper to fetch or create drafts on new Reddit.
  • :class:.DraftList to represent a list of :class:.Draft objects.


  • Ability to use :class:.CommentForest as an asynchronous iterator.
  • :meth:.CommentForest.list no longer needs to be awaited.
  • :attr:.Submission.comments no longer needs to be awaited and is now a property.


  • Fixed return value type of methods returning a listing in :class:.Subreddit and its
    helper classes.
  • An import error when using Async PRAW in environments where libsqlite3-dev is
    needed to utilize aiosqlite package which depends on the sqlite3 builtin.


  • The keyword argument lazy has been replace by fetch to consolidate the keyword
    argument used to explicitly perform a fetch when initializing an object.


30 Jul 04:23
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7.4.0 (2021/07/30)


  • :meth:~.WikiPage.discussions to obtain site-wide link submissions that link to the
  • :meth:.revert to revert a WikiPage to a specified revision.
  • :meth:.Inbox.mark_all_read to mark all messages as read with one API call.
  • :meth:~.InboxableMixin.unblock_subreddit to unblock a subreddit.
  • :meth:.update_crowd_control_level to update the crowd control level of a post.
  • :meth:.moderator_subreddits, which returns information about the subreddits that the
    authenticated user moderates, has been restored.
  • The configuration setting refresh_token has been added back. See
    for more info.


  • :class:.Reddit keyword argument token_manager.


06 Jul 22:38
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7.3.1 (2021/07/06)


  • :class:.Reddit will now be shallow copied when a deepcopy is preformed on it as
    asyncprawcore.Session (more specifically, :py:class:asyncio.AbstractEventLoop)
    does not support being deepcopied.


  • Fixed an issue where some :class:.RedditBase objects would be sent in a request as


18 Jun 22:09
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7.3.0 (2021/06/18)


  • :class:.UserSubreddit for the subreddit attribute of :class:.Redditor.
  • :meth:.Reddit.username_available checks if a username is available.
  • :meth:.trusted to retrieve a :class:.RedditorList of trusted users.
  • to add a user to the trusted list.
  • :meth:.distrust to remove a user from the trusted list.
  • :class:.SQLiteTokenManager (may not work on Windows)


  • :meth:.Redditor.moderated will now objectify all data returned from the API.
  • The wiki_edit endpoint has been changed from r/{subreddit}/api/wiki/edit/ to
  • :meth:.Redditor.block no longer needs to retrieve a user's fullname.



  • Fixed bug where :meth:.WikiPage.edit and :meth:.SubredditWiki.create would fail if
    passed content and reason parameters that produced a request with a body
    greater than 500 KiB, even when the parameters did not exceed their respective
    permitted maximum lengths.
  • Fixed bug where :meth:.Reddit.request could not handle instances of BadRequest\s
    when the JSON data contained only the keys "reason" and "message".
  • Fixed bug where :meth:.Reddit.request could not handle instances of BadRequest\s
    when the response did not contain valid JSON data.
  • Fixed bug where :meth:.FullnameMixin.fullname sometimes returned the wrong fullname.


25 Feb 07:16
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7.2.0 (2021/02/25)


  • :class:.Reddit keyword argument token_manager.
  • :class:.FileTokenManager and its parent abstract class :class:.BaseTokenManager.


  • The configuration setting refresh_token is deprecated and its use will result in a
    :py:class:DeprecationWarning. This deprecation applies in all ways of setting
    configuration values, i.e., via praw.ini, as a keyword argument when initializing
    an instance of :class:.Reddit, and via the PRAW_REFRESH_TOKEN environment
    variable. To be prepared for Async PRAW 8, use the new :class:.Reddit keyword
    argument token_manager. See :ref:refresh_token in Async PRAW's documentation for
    an example.
  • will no longer return None when called in :attr:.read_only mode
    starting in Async PRAW 8. A :py:class:DeprecationWarning will be issued. To switch
    forward to the Async PRAW 8 behavior set praw8_raise_exception_on_me=True in your
    asyncpraw.Reddit(...) call.