= 3.5.9 June 14th, 2020 =
- fixed : [CPT] single CPT page missed a title. Reported for Sensei LMS plugin
- fixed : [Font awesome][performance] consider enabling defer_font_awesome by default. fixes #898
- fixed : [external links icons] icones should be inside the a tag to be clickable. fixes #895
- fixed : [featured image][single page] option to control featured image in single page is broken when using page-templates/child-menu.php. fixes #894
- fixed : [SVG upload] removed support for svg upload as per new TRT rules. for #904
- fixed : [favicon] removed retro compatibility for old favicon as per new TRT rules. for #904
- fixed : [admin] removed loading of remote cloudfare CDN js script as per new TRT rules. + removed unused js scripts for #904
- improved : [performance] better defer loading of Font Awesome. fixes #905
- added : [metas][post grids] add an option to display authors in post grids. fixes #897