Docker: build and publish container images #210
1 error
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c set -xe \t&& OTP_DOWNLOAD_URL=\"${OTP_VERSION}.tar.gz\" \t&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .fetch-deps \t\tcurl \t\tca-certificates \t&& curl -fSL -o otp-src.tar.gz \"$OTP_DOWNLOAD_URL\" \t&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \t\tdpkg-dev dpkg \t\tgcc \t\tg++ \t\tlibc-dev \t\tlinux-headers \t\tmake \t\tautoconf \t\tncurses-dev \t\topenssl-dev \t\tunixodbc-dev \t\tlksctp-tools-dev \t\ttar \t&& export ERL_TOP=\"/usr/src/otp_src_${OTP_VERSION%%@*}\" \t&& mkdir -vp $ERL_TOP \t&& tar -xzf otp-src.tar.gz -C $ERL_TOP --strip-components=1 \t&& rm otp-src.tar.gz \t&& ( cd $ERL_TOP \t && ./otp_build autoconf \t && gnuArch=\"$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)\" \t && ./configure --build=\"$gnuArch\" \t && make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) \t && make install ) \t&& rm -rf $ERL_TOP \t&& find /usr/local -regex '/usr/local/lib/erlang/\\(lib/\\|erts-\\).*/\\(man\\|doc\\|obj\\|c_src\\|emacs\\|info\\|examples\\)' | xargs rm -rf \t&& find /usr/local -name src | xargs -r find | grep -v '\\.hrl$' | xargs rm -v || true \t&& find /usr/local -name src | xargs -r find | xargs rmdir -vp || true \t&& scanelf --nobanner -E ET_EXEC -BF '%F' --recursive /usr/local | xargs -r strip --strip-all \t&& scanelf --nobanner -E ET_DYN -BF '%F' --recursive /usr/local | xargs -r strip --strip-unneeded \t&& runDeps=\"$( \t\tscanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local \t\t\t| tr ',' '\\n' \t\t\t| sort -u \t\t\t| awk 'system(\"[ -e /usr/local/lib/\" $1 \" ]\") == 0 { next } { print \"so:\" $1 }' \t)\" \t&& REBAR3_DOWNLOAD_URL=\"${REBAR3_VERSION}.tar.gz\" \t&& curl -fSL -o rebar3-src.tar.gz \"$REBAR3_DOWNLOAD_URL\" \t&& mkdir -p /usr/src/rebar3-src \t&& tar -xzf rebar3-src.tar.gz -C /usr/src/rebar3-src --strip-components=1 \t&& rm rebar3-src.tar.gz \t&& cd /usr/src/rebar3-src \t&& HOME=$PWD ./bootstrap \t&& install -v ./rebar3 /usr/local/bin/ \t&& rm -rf /usr/src/rebar3-src \t&& apk add --virtual .erlang-rundeps \t\t$runDeps \t\tlksctp-tools \t\tca-certificates \t&& apk del .fetch-deps .build-deps" did not complete successfully: exit code: 28
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.