A standalone version of the YAML Code Documentation approach described at https://www.talos-systems.com/blog/documentation-as-code/. All credits goes to original authors.
- Added support for example name based comments
- Fixed a panic with embedded structs and added support for them.
- Complete rewrite of docgen using dst to support multi-package structure organization.
The general recommendation is, all the structures for a single type should be in a single file.
The following go:generate command will generate docs for a specified file.
//go:generate dstdocgen -path ~/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/pkg/templates -structure Template -output output.go
$ go generate pkg/<path_to_file>.go
Below is an example struct with all supported annotation as examples.
kubeletExtraMountsExample = []specs.Mount{
Source: "/var/lib/example",
Destination: "/var/lib/example",
Type: "bind",
Options: []string{
type Config struct {
// description: |
// Indicates the schema used to decode the contents.
// values:
// - v1alpha1
ConfigVersion string `yaml:"version"`
// description: |
// Enable verbose logging.
// values:
// - true
// - yes
// - false
// - no
ConfigDebug bool `yaml:"debug"`
// description: |
// The `image` field is an optional reference to an alternative kubelet image.
// examples:
// - value: '"docker.io/<org>/kubelet:latest"'
KubeletImage string `yaml:"image,omitempty"`
// description: |
// The `extraArgs` field is used to provide additional flags to the kubelet.
// examples:
// - name: Description for this example
// value: >
// map[string]string{
// "key": "value",
// }
KubeletExtraArgs map[string]string `yaml:"extraArgs,omitempty"`
// description: |
// The `extraMounts` field is used to add additional mounts to the kubelet container.
// examples:
// - value: kubeletExtraMountsExample
KubeletExtraMounts []specs.Mount `yaml:"extraMounts,omitempty"`