is an impertinent shot at collaborative work with only one person involved being aware of any collaboration. sounds crazy? well i've done this before so i know what i'm talking about.
the initial code was writen by ge1doot in his awesome composition recorded conversations.
from there it was forked several times by rafszul and molested mercilessly for few days and nights.
then came the awesome Edgy Ziane with his graphical talents matching the programing skills of ge1doot and practice of digital voodoo of rafszul.
all that was needed to make it into an awesome digital enchantment was drumms and music to match the three previously mentioned talents. and where to find something better than on the soundcloud feed of the one and the only digital shaman from helsinki awesome KOZILEK. the sound used is his remix of original soundtrack to Journey by akane which ended up on the official release. check it out and eventualy purchase the whole lot here.
and that's all folks.
the font used:
by Michał Nowak Neoqueto