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Hasin Ishrak edited this page Mar 12, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the StudyBuddy wiki!

Project Proposal

StudyBuddy is a web-based tool to help students better manage their schedules. With StudyBuddy, students can add their courses and track their assignments, quizzes, midterms, and final exam deadlines. Additionally, Users can schedule their own personal routine to create better study habits. Overall, students will be able to track their progress throughout their desired time period and track if they are progressing towards their individual goals.

Objective & Motivation

As last year students, having been through 4-5 years of university, the most common problem we faced is procrastination. In particular, because of Covid, we struggled for almost 2 years studying online. Consequently, the problem of procrastination worsens in almost everyone. As we were thinking about the best ways to help fellow students, we came up with the idea of StudyBuddy. StudyBuddy intends to help students manage their schedule. With StudyBuddy, students can add their courses and track their assignments, quizzes, midterms and final exam deadlines. Additionally, Users can schedule their own personal routine to create better study habits. Overall, students will be able to track their progress throughout their desired time period, and track if they are progressing towards their individual goals. We hope with this tool, other students can better manage their time as well as stay free from pressure in their university life.

Core Features

  • All registered users can add courses that they want to keep track of to their account.
  • Different course related activities such as assignments, exams and projects can be added to each course.
  • Make schedule and get notifications about the activities
  • Add grades of each activity
  • Create goals and track progress towards that goal by already achieved grades of each activity
  • Personalized tasks can be created and scheduled.

Block Diagram


Class Diagram


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