- Contributors: pstimpel
- Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/redzoneaction
- Tags: comments, spam, captcha, recaptcha-replacement
- Requires at least: 4.0.0
- Requires PHP: 5.6
- Tested up to: 5.0.0
- Stable tag: trunk
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
- Plugins homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ps-phpcaptcha/
- Developers Wordpress home: https://profiles.wordpress.org/pstimpel
- Developers homepage: https://wp.peters-webcorner.de/
- Repository at Wordpress.org: http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/ps-phpcaptcha/
- Github repository: https://github.com/pstimpel/psphpcaptchawp
If you are keen to provide your users kind of a tracking free environment, you would have to remove Google Recaptcha and other cloud based Captcha solutions from your Wordpress installation.
PS PHPCaptcha WP does not use any remote resources. This makes it fully GDPR compliant without any need to mention it in your privacy policy.
To generate the image this plugin does not need to use the Wordpress database and therefore IO of the database is very low. This very important if you run a site with high traffic.
- Wordpress up and running
- PHP5 or PHP7 installed
- PHP-GD installed and activated
- uses PHP sessions
For setup of the Plugin just follow these 3 easy steps.
- Go to the Plugin installation page, search for PS PHPCaptcha WP
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Configure the plugin using the provided settings page
- go to releases of github repo and download the zip
- create a folder called psphpcaptchawp in your wordpress/wp-content/plugins directory
- unzip the content of the downloaded zip file into a folder, and move the content of that folder into your plugins/psphpcaptchawp directory of your wordpress installation
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Configure the plugin using the provided settings page
Probably you are logged into your wordpress installation having admin rights. In this case, the Captcha does not show. Of course, commenting works without solving the Captcha in this case.
This plugin will create a captcha displaying a text, with the try to confuse OCR by drawing some random lines.
It integrates in the comment form below each Wordpress post
If the commenting user fails to solve it, an error message appears
The behavior of the image can be set in the settings area of Wordpress
- added multisite support
- asset files had wrong mimetype
- initial version
- Languages: en, de