Releases: pulumi/pulumi-vsphere
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Found 2 breaking changes:
- "vsphere:index/supervisor:Supervisor": required inputs:
"mainNtps" input has changed to Required🟢
"workerNtps" input has changed to Required
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #675
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #676
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.102.0 by @pulumi-bot in #677
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #678
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #679
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #680
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #683
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #684
- Upgrade terraform-provider-vsphere to v2.11.1 by @pulumi-bot in #682
Full Changelog: v4.13.0...v4.13.1
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
New resources:
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #660
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #661
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #662
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #663
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.100.0 by @pulumi-bot in #665
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #666
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #668
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.101.0 by @pulumi-bot in #669
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #670
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #672
- Upgrade terraform-provider-vsphere to v2.11.0 by @guineveresaenger in #673
Full Changelog: v4.12.2...v4.13.0
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #617
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.94.0 by @pulumi-bot in #619
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #620
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #621
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #622
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #624
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.95.0 by @pulumi-bot in #626
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #627
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #628
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #629
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.96.0 by @pulumi-bot in #631
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #632
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #633
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #634
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #635
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #636
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #637
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.97.0 by @pulumi-bot in #642
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #643
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.97.1 by @pulumi-bot in #645
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #646
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #647
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #648
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.98.0 by @pulumi-bot in #650
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #651
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #652
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #653
- Remove unused npm dependencies by @justinvp in #654
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #656
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #657
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.99.0 by @pulumi-bot in #659
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.12.1...v4.12.2
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Add installation docs from upstream by @guineveresaenger in #607
Full Changelog: v4.12.0...v4.12.1
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.93.1 by @pulumi-bot in #615
- Upgrade terraform-provider-vsphere to v2.10.0 by @guineveresaenger in #616
Full Changelog: v4.11.5...v4.12.0
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.92.0 by @pulumi-bot in #608
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #611
Full Changelog: v4.11.4...v4.11.5
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #599
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #600
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #602
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #603
- Upgrade terraform-provider-vsphere to v2.9.3 by @pulumi-bot in #605
Full Changelog: v4.11.3...v4.11.4
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #592
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.91.0 by @pulumi-bot in #594
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.91.1 by @pulumi-bot in #596
- Restore docs by fixing elided content by @iwahbe in #597
Full Changelog: v4.11.2...v4.11.3
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #588
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #589
- Upgrade terraform-provider-vsphere to v2.9.2 by @iwahbe in #591
Full Changelog: v4.11.1...v4.11.2
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Looking good! No breaking changes found.
No new resources/functions.
What's Changed
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #580
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.90.0 by @pulumi-bot in #581
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #583
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #584
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #587
- Upgrade terraform-provider-vsphere to v2.9.1 by @pulumi-bot in #586
Full Changelog: v4.11.0...v4.11.1