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The tool crawls a data folder or tree. For each spatial file identified, it will process the file. Extract as many information as possible and store it on a sidecar metadata file.

The tool can also look for existing metadata using common conventions. For metadata imports the tool wil use owslib, which supports some metadata formats.

Several options exist for using the results of the generated index:

  • The resulting indexed content can be converted to iso19139 or OGCAPI-records and inserted on an instance of pycsw, geonetwork or pygeoapi, to make it searchable.
  • Automated creation of a mapserver mapfile to provide OGC services on top of the spatial files identified.


The tool requires GDAL 3.2.2 and pysqlite 0.4.6 to be installed. I recommend to use conda to install them.

conda create --name pgdc python=3.9 
conda activate pgdc
conda install -c conda-forge gdal==3.3.2
conda install -c conda-forge pysqlite3==0.4.6

Then run:

pip install geodatacrawler


The tools are typically called from commandline or a bash script.

Index metadata

crawl-metadata --mode=init --dir=/myproject/data [--out-dir=/mnt/myoutput]

Mode explained:

  • init; creates new metadata for files which do not have it yet (not overwriting)
  • update; updates the metadata, merging new content on existing (not creating new)
  • export; exports the mcf metadata to xml and stored it in a folder (to be loaded on pycsw) or on a database (todo)
  • import-csv; imports a csv of metadata fiels into a series of mcf files, typically combined with a .j2 file with same name, which maps the csv-fields to mcf-fields

The export utility will merge any yaml file to a index.yml from a parent folder. This will allow you to create minimal metadata at the detailed level, while providing more generic metadata down the tree. The index.yml is also used as a configuration for any mapfile creation (service metadata).

Most parameters are configured from the commandline, check --help to get explanation. 2 parameters can be set as an environment variable

  • pgdc_host is the url on which the data will be hosted in mapserver or a webdav folder.
  • pgdc_schema_path is a physical path to an override of the default iso19139 schema of pygeometa, containing jinja templates to format the exported xml

Some parameters can be set in index.yml, in a robot section. Note that config is inherited from parent folders.

    version 1.0
  skip-subfolders: True # do not move into subfolders, typically if subfolder is a set of tiles, default: False 
  skip-files: "temp.*" # do not process files matching a regexp, default: None 

OGR/GDAL formats

Some GDAL (raster) or OGR (vector) formats, such as FileGDB, GeoPackage and parquet require an additional plugin. Verify for each of the commom formats in your organisation, if the relevant GDAL plugins are installed.

For grid files, the metadata will be extracted from the .aux.xml file. You can use the Dublin Core terms; title, description, license, ... in the grid metadata.

Create mapfile

The metadata identified can be used to create OGC services exposing the files. Currently the tool creates mapserver mapfiles, which are placed on a output-folder. A index.yml configuraton file is expected at the root of the folder to be indexed, if not, it will be created.

crawl-mapfile --dir=/mnt/data [--out-dir=/mnt/mapserver/mapfiles]

Some parameters in the mapfile can be set using environment variables:

Param Description Example
pgdc_out_dir a folder where files are placed (can override with --dir-out)
pgdc_md_url a pattern on how to link to metadata, use {0} to be substituted by record uuid, or empty to not include metadata link{0}
pgdc_ms_url the base url of mapserver
pgdc_webdav_url the base url on which data files are published or empty if not published
pgdc_md_link_types which service links to add OGC:WMS,OGC:WFS,OGC:WCS,OGCAPI:Features
export pgdc_webdav_url=""

A mapserver docker image is provided by Camp to Camp which is able to expose a number of mapfiles as mapservices, eg{mapfile}?request=getcapabilities&service=wms. Each mapfile needs to be configured as alias in mapserver config file.

Layer styling

You can now set dedicated layer styling for grids and vectors. Note that you can define multiple styles per layer, the last is used as default:


Starting from Mapserver 8.2 SLD can directly be referenced from mapfiles for layer styling. If the crawler notices a file with the same name as the dataset, but with extension .sld, it will reference that file for layer styling. Notice that you can export sld from any QGIS layer.

Mapfile syntax

Add mapserver mapfile syntax to the mcf robot section

    styles: |
        NAME "style"
          COLOR 100 100 100
          SIZE 8
          WIDTH 1

YAML syntax

For various layer types, various options exits.

  • A range of colors (grid only), the min-max range of the first band is devided by the number of colors.
      - name: rainbow
        classes: "#ff000,#ffff00,#00ff00,#00ffff,#0000ff"
      - name: grays
        classes: "#00000,#333333,#666666,#999999,#cccccc,#ffffff"
  • A range of distinct values, you can also use rgb colors
      - name: rainbow
        property: length # name of the column, vector only
          - label: True
            val: 1
            color: "0 255 0"
          - label: False
            val: 0
            color: "255 0 0" 
  • A range of classes
      - name: Scale
        property: length # name of the column, vector only
          - label: Low
            min: 0
            max: 100
            color: "#0000ff"
          - label: Medium
            min: 100
            max: 200
            color: "#00ff00"
          - label: High
            min: 200
            max: 300
            color: "#ff0000" 


Python Poetry

The project is based on common coding conventions from the python poetry community.

On the sources, either run scripts directly:

poetry run crawl-mapfile --dir=/mnt/data

or run a shell in the poetry environment:

poetry shell 

The GDAL dependency has some installation issue on poetry, see here for a workaround

> poetry shell
>> sudo apt-get install gdal
>> gdalinfo --version
GDAL 3.3.2, released 2021/09/01
>> pip install gdal==3.3.2
>> exit



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