- macOS / Linux
require macOS 13+ or Linux- Working options for macOS 12 and below are
- lima
# install (macOS)
brew install lima socket_vmnet
# install (linux)
version=$(curl -fsSL https://api.github.com/repos/lima-vm/lima/releases/latest | jq -r .tag_name)
curl -fsSL "https://github.com/lima-vm/lima/releases/download/${version}/lima-${version:1}-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m).tar.gz" | tar Cxzvm /usr/local
# copy the network configuration
cp _config/networks.yaml ~/.lima/_config/
# setup the sudoers file for launching socket_vmnet from lima
limactl sudoers > /tmp/etc_sudoers.d_lima
sudo install -o root /tmp/etc_sudoers.d_lima /etc/sudoers.d/lima
# create alias
echo "alias lc='limactl'" >> ~/.bashrc
# create a new instance
lc start ubuntu-2004.yml --tty=false
# stop the instance
lc stop ubuntu-2004
# start the instance
lc start ubuntu-2004
# remove the instance
lc rm ubuntu-2004
# list all instances
lc ls
# shell into the instance
lc shell ubuntu-2004