Collection of material for quantum computing educational activities using Qibo. Feel free to explore all the lectures provided by our special teacher: the Qibo mangoose!
The lectures are divided into macro-groups, corresponding to similar or related topics.
In the following table, we give a brief description of the Qiboedu
Lecture | Topic |
Introduction | |
1_qibo_basics | First steps with Qibo |
Query algorithms | |
1_phase_kickback | The phase kickback trick |
2_deutsch_josza | The Deutsch-Josza algorithm |
3_grover | The Grover search algorithm |
4_grover_details | Opening the Grover black-box |
Entanglement tests | |
1_Bell-Wigner | Simulate Bell-Wigner inequality |
2_Bell64 | Simulate Bell 1964 inequality |
3_CHSH | Simulate CHSH inequality |
Quantum noise | |
1_simulating_noise | Simulating quantum noise |
2_error_mitigation | Mitigating the noise |
Quantum Machine Learning | |
1_vqe | Variational Quantum Eigensolver |
2_fitting_the_proton_content | one-dim fit with high-energy physics data |
Given you have poetry installed:
# poetry install && poetry shell
# jupyter lab
will install everything, shell into your local environment and start jupyter.