- Don't use '-' as a completion trigger character (messes up crossref completions)
- Intelligent run selection for R (runs complete statment not just line)
- Improve handling of first-run files for create project command
- Once again use full path in WSL (previous change wasn't effective)
- Don't include full path for preview file when running on WSL
- Always render on save for notebooks (as they don't execute by default)
- Improved slide preview for notebooks (return last slide)
- Run only selected text for non-empty editor selections
- Filter crossref completions by prefix match
- Add create project command to file -> new file menu
- Don't re-show the terminal unless a rendering error occurs
- Add status bar progress for rendering
- Don't show bibliography completions unless they match the prefix
- Implment smart paste of links (surround selected text)
- Use REditorSupport.r as ID for R extension
- Quarto: Create Project command for creating common project types
- Don't use forward slashes in path when running Quarto with cmd /C
- Survive missing vscode.workspace.onDidSaveNotebookDocument in versions < 1.67
- Respect
eval: false
for cell execution commands - LaTeX equation preview: include \newcommand (and similar) definitions in preview
- Correct package.json configuration for quick suggestions
- Outline view: protect against unparseable YAML in title block
- Preview path compatibility for Git Bash terminal on Windows
- Remove automatic spelling configuration for Spell Right
- Ensure that crossrefs aren't processed for display equation preview
- Make Quarto Render commands available for
document type - Improve default spelling ignore (ignore characters after
in words) - Syntax highlighting for raw
- Automatically configure spell-checking for Quarto documents when the Spell Right extension is installed.
- Recognize control channel for external preview servers (Quarto v1.2)
- Allow preview for Hugo documents (Quarto v1.2 Hugo project type)
- Improved default completion settings for Lua extension
- Provide workspace type definitions for Lua filters and shortcodes
- Error navigation for Lua runtime errors in currently edited file
- Provide completions and diagnostics for profile specific _quarto.yml
- Cleanup residual Quarto Preview panel on startup/reload
- Activate Quarto extension when .qmd files are in the workspace
- Use
quarto inspect
for reading project configuration. - Pass absolute path to
quarto preview
(prevent problems with shells that change dir on init) - Only render on save when the preview server is already running
- Open external preview links in new window (requires Quarto v1.2)
- Set
environment variable (ensures correct working dir is used for preview) - Remove default keybindings for bold, italic, and code (all had conflicts)
- Render on Save option (automatically render when documents are saved)
- Keyboard shortcuts for toggling bold, italic, and code formatting
- Minimum required VS Code version is now 1.66
- Support for render and preview of Shiny interactive docs
- Highlighting, completion, and execution for language block variations
- Rename Render Word to Render DOCX
- Do not execute YAML option lines (enables execution of cell magics)
- Don't require a cell selection for 'Run All Cells'
- Run Python cells as distinct commands in Interactive Console
- Use Quarto executable rather than .cmd script when supported
- When not discovered on the PATH, scan for versions of Quarto in known locations
- Code completion for cross references
- Automatic navigation to render errors for Jupyter, Knitr, and YAML
- Add Shift+Enter keybinding for running the current selection
- Fix: citation completions on Windows
- Wait for Python environment to activate before quarto preview
- Support for completions in _extension.yml
- Fix for CMD shell quoting issues in quarto preview
- Completions and hover/assist for citations
- Code snippet for inserting spans
- Correct shell quoting for quarto preview on windows
- Use terminal for quarto preview
- Set LANG environment variable for quarto render/preview
- Use output channel for quarto preview
- Fix syntax highlighting for strikethrough
- Improve detection of current slide for revealjs preview
- Automatically disable terminal shell integration for workspace
- Automatically insert option comment prefix in executable cells
- Remove 'Focus Lock' indicator from preview
- Fix for document outline display when there are empty headings
- Support VS Code command keyboard shortcuts while preview is focused
- Support clipboard operations within preview iframe
- Prevent flake8 diagnostics from appearing in intellisense temp file
- Register Quarto assist panel as an explorer view
- Improve math highlighting rules (delegate to builtin rules)
- Move Quarto Assist panel to activity bar
- Run preview from workspace root if there is no project
- Tolerate space between # and | for yaml option completion
- Trim trailing newline from selection for R execution
- Debounce reporting of errors in diagram preview
- Correct path for graphviz language configuration
- Syntax highlighting, snippets and live preview for diagrams
- Run preview for project files from project root directory
- Run cell for cells using inline knitr chunk options
- Open file preview externally for non-localhost
- Prompt for installation on render if quarto not found
- Print full proxied session URL when running under RSW
- Support old and new (reditorsupport.r) R extension ids
- Revert to using terminal for quarto preview
- Improved editor handling of shortcodes (auto-close, snippet)
- Getting started with Quarto walkthrough
- Warn when files are saved with invalid extensions
- Improved math syntax highlighting
- Don't include callout headers in toc
- Icon for qmd file type
- Terminate preview command
- Don't auto-pair back-ticks
- Format specific render commands (HTML, PDF, Word)
- Use output channel rather than terminal for preview
- Clear Cache command for Jupyter & Knitr caches
- Auto-closing pair behavior for quotes
- Preference to control preview location
- Render button on editor toolbar
- Improved webview focus management
- Activate when executing new notebook command
- Disable snippet suggestions by default
- Insert code cell command (Ctrl+Shift+I)
- Navigate revealjs preview to slide at cursor
- Commands for creating documents and presentations
- Code folding for divs and front matter
- Don't show preview in Hugo projects (hugo serve provides preview)
- Render Project command for full render of all documents in project
- Improved compatibility with VS Code web mode
- Use Ctrl+Shift+K as keyboard shortcut for render
- Match current dark/light theme for text format preview
- Render command with integrated preview pane
- Use same versions of Python and R as configured for their respective extensions
- Preference to use alternate quarto binary
- Message when extensions required for cell execution aren't installed
- Scroll to top when setting assist pane contents
- Syntax highlighting, completion, and cell execution for Julia
- Hover and assist preview for markdown images
- Assist panel content can now be pinned/unpinned
- Syntax highlighting for embedded LaTeX
- Completion for MathJax-compatible LaTeX commands
- Hover and assist preview for MathJax equations
- Quarto Assist panel for contextual help as you edit
- Code Lens to execute code from R executable code blocks
- Hover help provider for Quarto YAML options
- Additional language features (outline, folding, etc) in VS code for the web
- Completion for Quarto markdown classes and attributes
- Commands and keyboard shortcuts for cell execution and navigation
- Improved markdown parsing performance
- VS code for the web compatibility (syntax highlighting and snippets)
- Improved embedded completions for R (keep R LSP alive across requests)
- Code completion and diagnostics for YAML front matter and cell options
- Commands and keybindings for running current cell, previous cells, and selected line(s)
- Code Lens to execute code from Python executable code blocks
- Workspace symbol provider for quick navigation to documents/headings
- Completion, hover, and signature help for embedded languages, including Python, R, LaTeX, and HTML
- Background highlighting for code cells
- Syntax highlighting for citations, divs, callouts, and code cells
- Snippets for divs, callouts, and code cells
- Improved TOC display (better icon, exclude heading markers)
- Improved completion defaults (enable quick suggestions, disable snippet and word-based suggestions)
- Use commonmark mode for markdown-it parsing
- Clickable links within documents
- Code completion for link and image paths
- Code folding and table of contents
- Workspace and document symbol providers
- Selection range provider
- Minor patch to improve extension metadata and marketplace listing
- Syntax highlighting for
files - Snippets for