A module to enable interactions with pivotal tracker
See src/pivotal-tracker.coffee
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-pivotal-tracker --save
Then add hubot-pivotal-tracker to your external-scripts.json
Ensure that TRACKER_URL
is set in your environment.
Each person needs to set their API token and their PT project ID before hubot can send on their behalf. They can set each individually or at the same time. See the Commands section in the header comments in pivotal-tracker.coffee
Once set up is done, you can enjoy chat access to Pivtoal Tracker!
'alice', '@hubot create me a story titled need to make something simple'
'hubot', '@alice story created with id:123456789! Check it out at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/123456789!'
'bob', '@hubot deliver story 123456789'
'hubot', '@bob story 123456789 is now delivered'