The lectures and exercises are based on StandfordOnline course 'Databases: Relational Databases and SQL'.
Download the Precompiled Binaries for MacOS
Navigate to the folder you wish to work on and run: sqlite3
--> to create a new schema/table with various attributes/columns sqlite> CREATE TABLE table_name ( attribute_1_name attribute_1_type PRIMARY KEY, attribute_2_name attribute_2_type, ...);
--> to insert new tuples/rows into each attribute in the new schema sqlite> INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (attribute_1, attribute_2, ...);
--> to remove a row from a schema sqlite> DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'condition';
--> to show all schemas sqlite> .schema
--> to show the content of a schema in table format sqlite> .headers on sqlite> .mode columns sqlite> SELECT * FROM table_name;
--> to remove a schema sqlite> DROP TABLE table_name;
--> to create/open a new database sqlite> .open new_db.db
--> to run the SQLite commands in a .sql file sqlite> .read schema_name.sql
---> to exit in the middle of a sqlite query sqlite> control+D