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SRW Coherent Gaussian Beam

Boaz Nash edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 3 revisions

This dialogue creates a Coherent Gaussian beam. The available parameters are:

  • Average Photon Energy [eV] (assumes monochromatic photon beam)
  • Energy per Pulse [J]
  • Polarization (determines the Stokes parameters)
  • RMS Pulse Duration [ps]
  • Longitudinal Waist Position [µm] (Allows the user to create a Gaussian not at a waist)
  • Definition of Beam Size (User can select the RMS waist or the RMS divergence. The other will then be determined by the equation \sqrt(<x^2> <x'^2>) = lambda/(4*pi). Wavelength is determined by lambda = hc/E. )
  • RMS Waist [µm] (This determines <x^2> at the waist.)
  • RMS Divergence [µrad] (This determines <x'^2> at the waist and beyond, since it will be conserved in free space.)
  • Waist Offset [µm] (Allows the user to include a horizontal (?) position offset of the beam. )
  • Beam Angle [mrad] (Allows the user to include a horizontal (?) angular offset of the beam. )
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