This project tries to present how to configure a DITA-OT PDF transformation when the published topic contains paragraphs in different languages. In this sample project we'll use the Apache FOP processor.
As sample document, we have used I Can Eat Glass linguistic project and fonts are taken from Google fonts storage.
This project uses Travis CI for continuous integration, so a PDF sample is generated whenever the customization is modified. You can view the results of this customization by opening the latest generated PDF Multi language topic. You can see more details about this customization in the Wiki pages.
To use this PDF customization plugin, follow these steps:
- Download DITA-OT 2.4
- Download the ZIP archive associated with this project by using the
Clone or download
button. - Install the plugin by running the command
dita-ot-dir/bin/dita --install=plug-in-zip
. See more details in the Installing plug-ins topic from the DITA-OT documentation. - Invoke the PDF transformation using the oxy-font-cfg transtype in a command, as in the following example:
dita.bat -i "DITA sample/font-configuration.ditamap" -f oxy-font-cfg -output=publishing -Dorg.dita.pdf2.i18n.enabled=false