Custom Computer Tools
- Tak, Thailand
- 7h ahead - http://www.customct.com
- @raguay@indieweb.social
PersonKanban Public
A lightweight personal Kanban board for everyday use.
VimInput Public
A Svelte component that is an input with vim style editing.
ModalFileManager Public
A file manager built using Svelte and Wails. It has hotkeys that are modal just like Vim and NeoVim.
wailsterm Public
Forked from rlshukhov/wailstermSimple translucent terminal app
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2024 -
EmailIt Public
A Svelte and Wails program for sending quick emails, nine note pages, text manipulation with scripts, and more!
raguay.github.io Public
Custom Computer Tools
awesome-mac Public
Forked from jaywcjlove/awesome-mac Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
EmailItServer Public
The backend server for EmailIt with a Node-Red server builtin. It is also used by ScriptBar and BullitenBoard (in the works).
ModalFileManager-NWjs Public
A web technology based file manager built with NW.js, Svelte, and Node.js. It's keyboard command layout is taken from Vim using modes to redefine the current key's purpose.
BulletinBoard Public
This is a simple program to display messages to the user and get responses back. It is used to make dialogs for scripts or simply post information to be seen.
ScriptBarApp Public
An application to show results from TextBar and xBar scripts and Node-Red workflows in the menubar.
BulletinBoard-NWJS Public
The NW.js version of my BulletinBoard program
MyAlfred Public
This is where I am keeping my Alfred 2, Alfred 3, and Alfred 4 workflows.
ScriptLine-mfm-V2 Public
An extension for Modal File Manager to set the directory for ScriptLine each time a directory is changed.
Stacks-mfm-V2 Public
An extension to Modal File Manager for using stacks of files and directories.
webterm Public
Forked from pomdtr/tweetyAn integrated terminal for your web browser
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2023 -
SvelteCodeMirror6 Public
This is a test Svelte application to work on creating a CodeMirror 6 component for Svelte.
EmailItDefaultTheme Public
This is the default theme for the EmailIt program.
mymind.nvim Public
Forked from hadronized/mind.nvimThe power of trees at your fingertips.
EmailIt-Tauri Public
I simple and quick email program to replace Let.ter application.
myAstroConfig Public template
Forked from AstroNvim/user_exampleMy AstroNvim neovim configuration.
Lua UpdatedMar 12, 2023 -
WebPageRenumberer Public
A simple program to take hard numbered lists in a web page and renumber them.
KeyCodes Public
A simple Wails program to display the keycodes for the currently pressed key.
wails Public
Forked from wailsapp/wailsCreate beautiful applications using Go
awesome-wails Public
Forked from wailsapp/awesome-wails⭐ A carefully selected list of Wails applications
SvelteScriptServer Public
Svelte Script Server gives you a way to automate your computer from your phone on the same network.