This repository is the sample microservices based end to end solutions which demonstrates key microservices architecture patterns
- JDK 17+
- Node 18+
- IDE(IntelliJ Or VSCode or STS)
Goto Services folder and issue command
docker compose up
this will bring mongo and zipkin up which will be used as infrastructure for all projects. Bring all services up in following order
- discovery-service
- api-gateway
- portfolio-service
- sip-service
- stock-service
Verify if all services are up here
Step 1: - use below command in cmd: -
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng serve
Step 2: - Open Google Chrome and hit http://localhost:4200
step 3: - For convenience, Test user is created which can be used to login. you can also create your own profile(signup) and start using application.
Email: [email protected] password: welcome123
Note: If you are facing error related to Angular Material, Consider doing below: -
ng add @angular/material
Note: select below options while installing: - ? Choose a prebuilt theme name, or "custom" for a custom theme: Indigo/Pink ? Set up global Angular Material typography styles? Yes ? Set up browser animations for Angular Material? Yes
- Due to breaking changes in spring boot 2.6.0 we cannot use spring fox 3.0.0 starter unless it is fixed, hence migrated to springdoc openui - Wont switch back to spring fox
- Upgraded to Java 17
- Converted all maven wrappers to Apache Maven Wrapper using command
mvn wrapper:wrapper
- Since api-gateway is migrated to spring cloud gateway which under the hood uses webflux
is no longer valid, it should be replaced withspring.webflux.base-path