A Kafka Serde that reads and writes records from and to a blob storage, such as Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage, transparently. Formerly known as kafka-s3-backed-serde.
You can add kafka-large-message-serde via Maven Central.
implementation group: 'com.bakdata.kafka', name: 'large-message-serde', version: '2.0.0'
For other build tools or versions, refer to the latest version in MvnRepository.
Make sure to also add Confluent Maven Repository to your build file.
You can use it from your Kafka Streams application like any other Serde
final Serde<String> serde = new LargeMessageSerde<>();
serde.configure(Map.of(AbstractLargeMessageConfig.BASE_PATH_CONFIG, "s3://my-bucket/",
LargeMessageSerdeConfig.VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.StringSerde.class), false);
The following configuration options are available:
Key serde class to use. All serde configurations are also delegated to this serde.
- Type: class
- Default:
- Importance: high
Value serde class to use. All serde configurations are also delegated to this serde.
- Type: class
- Default:
- Importance: high
Base path to store data. Must include bucket and any prefix that should be used, e.g., s3://my-bucket/my/prefix/
. Available protocols: s3
, abs
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: high
Maximum serialized message size in bytes before messages are stored on blob storage.
- Type: int
- Default: 1000000
- Importance: medium
Class to use for generating unique object IDs. Available generators are: com.bakdata.kafka.RandomUUIDGenerator
, com.bakdata.kafka.Sha256HashIdGenerator
, com.bakdata.kafka.MurmurHashIdGenerator
- Type: class
- Default:
- Importance: medium
AWS access key to use for connecting to S3. Leave empty if AWS credential provider chain or STS Assume Role provider should be used.
- Type: password
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
AWS secret key to use for connecting to S3. Leave empty if AWS credential provider chain or STS Assume Role provider should be used.
- Type: password
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
AWS STS role ARN to use for connecting to S3. Leave empty if AWS Basic provider or AWS credential provider chain should be used.
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
AWS STS role external ID used when retrieving session credentials under an assumed role. Leave empty if AWS Basic provider or AWS credential provider chain should be used.
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
AWS STS role session name to use when starting a session. Leave empty if AWS Basic provider or AWS credential provider chain should be used.
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
Path to an OIDC token file in JSON format (JWT) used to authenticate before AWS STS role authorisation, e.g. for EKS /var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
S3 region to use. Must be configured in conjunction with s3backed.endpoint. Leave empty if default S3 region should be used.
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
Endpoint to use for connection to Amazon S3. Must be configured in conjunction with s3backed.region. Leave empty if default S3 endpoint should be used.
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
Enable path-style access for S3 client.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Importance: low
Azure connection string for connection to blob storage. Leave empty if Azure credential provider chain should be used.
- Type: password
- Default: ""
- Importance: low
This serde also comes with support for Kafka Connect. You can add kafka-large-message-connect via Maven Central.
implementation group: 'com.bakdata.kafka', name: 'large-message-connect', version: '1.1.6'
For other build tools or versions, refer to the latest version in MvnRepository.
To use it with your Kafka Connect jobs, just configure your converter as com.bakdata.kafka.LargeMessageConverter
In addition to the configurations available for the serde (except large.message.key.serde
and large.message.value.serde
you can configure the following:
Converter to use. All converter configurations are also delegated to this converter.
- Type: class
- Default:
- Importance: high
For general guidance on how to configure Kafka Connect converters, please have a look at the official documentation.
We also provide a method for cleaning up all files on the blob storage associated with a topic:
final Map<String, Object> properties = ...;
final AbstractLargeMessageConfig config = new AbstractLargeMessageConfig(properties);
final LargeMessageStoringClient storer = config.getStorer()
If you want to contribute to this project, you can simply clone the repository and build it via Gradle. All dependencies should be included in the Gradle files, there are no external prerequisites.
> git clone [email protected]:bakdata/kafka-large-message-serde.git
> cd kafka-large-message-serde && ./gradlew build
Please note, that we have code styles for Java. They are basically the Google style guide, with some small modifications.
We are happy if you want to contribute to this project. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue. We are also happy to accept your PRs. Just open an issue beforehand and let us know what you want to do and why.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Have a look at the LICENSE for more details.