The code for my personal site,, is based on this repository.
This site is:
- designed and developed in the browser
- written in Kramdown
- generated using Jekyll
- scripted in JavaScript
- styled from scratch using SCSS
- typeset with IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Sans, and IBM Plex Serif
It is a playground in constant evolution where I experiment, learn, and try new things.
The favicon is:
- designed in Figma
- generated using RealFaviconGenerator
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
bundle install
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''
Run the following commands in the Terminal:
bundle exec jekyll build
<li>page.title = {{ page.title }}</li>
<li>page.url = {{ page.url }}</li>
<li> = {{ }}</li>
<li>page.collection = {{ page.collection }}</li>
<li>page.dir = {{ page.dir }}</li>
<li> = {{ }}</li>
<li>page.path = {{ page.path }}</li>
<li>page.slug = {{ page.slug }}</li>
<li>page.ext = {{ page.ext }}</li>
<li> = {{ }}</li>
<li>page.previous = {{ page.previous }}</li>