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Releases: rancher/rio
Releases · rancher/rio
Enhancements and bug fixes
- Update installed linkerd version to stable-2.8.1
- Update installed gloo version to 1.4.15
- Update tekton version to v0.16.3
- Letsencrypt controller is running inside Rio instead of cert-manager in order to avoid conflicts
- Fixed an issue where rio webhook fails to run in k8s 1.19. #1058
Rio is currently in Beta. We will strive to maintain API compatibility throughout Beta, but this cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, upgrading Rio from Alpha releases is not thoroughly tested.
v0.8.0-rc3: Merge pull request #1061 from StrongMonkey/fix-webhook
Fix webhook
v0.8.0-rc2: Merge pull request #1052 from StrongMonkey/update-components
Update components
v0.8.0-rc1: Merge pull request #1012 from daxmc99/bash_complete
Add bash/zsh completion
Enhancements and bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where staging a service will fail in non-default namespace #993
- Fixed an issue where autoscaling occasionally gets no healthy upstream #607
- Fixed an issue where CLI can't specify name when creating secret #954
- RDNS url is now configured when installing through
rio install --rdns-url
#1020 - Fixed an issue where request timeout is not set for app service #1031
- Fixed an issue where PersistentVolumeClaim can't be used by rio service #1034
Known Issues
- Webhook creation failure not always reported, and inconsistent error messaging. #971
Rio is currently in Beta. We will strive to maintain API compatibility throughout Beta, but this cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, upgrading Rio from Alpha releases is not thoroughly tested.
v0.7.1-rc2: Merge pull request #1036 from StrongMonkey/fix-persist-volume
Fix persistentvolume failing to update issue
v0.7.1-rc1: Merge pull request #1013 from rancher-max/secret-name
Add option to specify secret name
Features and Enhancements
- Rio now only installs minimum features by default. Build, autoscaling, and dashboard features will be off until they are used or turned manually on via feature config. Service mesh is only enabled if total memory is greater than 3GB. #915
- Deployment via tags, rather than commits, is now available to use. Requires webhook. #542
- Ingress controller has been added, which allows an existing ingress controller to route traffic to rio services. #915
- The feature CLI command has been re-introduced, and both it and systemlogs now live under the “rio system” command.
Minor enhancements and bug fixes
- Options are now available for setting the Lets Encrypt email address during install. #930
- Setting up a webhook now requires using CLI flags with the run command. Previously Rio automatically setup a webhook if a secret with name of “githubtoken” was found. #962
- Automatic template service rollout now defaults to 60 seconds. There has also been improvements to the rollout algorithm. #924
- Specifying an incorrect param in CLI no longer causes it to hang. #707
- Improved cleanup during uninstall. #613
- Fixed bug where clusterdomain's httpPort and httpsPort were not being set. #850
- Gloo has been upgraded to 1.2.0. #914
- Linkerd has been upgraded to 2.6.1. #977
Known Issues
- Intermittent 503’s on new or freshly scaled services #861
- Webhook creation failure not always reported, and inconsistent error messaging. #971
Rio is currently in Beta. We will strive to maintain API compatibility throughout Beta, but this cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, upgrading Rio from Alpha releases is not thoroughly tested.
Merge pull request #981 from daxmc99/update_linkerd Update to linkerd 2.6.1
Merge pull request #947 from cbron/templating-weight-bug New template service gets standard weight