Color Theme:
init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {
'primaryColor': '#001E6C',
'primaryTextColor': '#FCD900',
'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
'lineColor': '#E8630A',
'secondaryColor': '#BAD7E9',
'tertiaryColor': '#035397'
graph LR
subgraph prepro[Preprocessing]
direction TB
clean --> split[Data Split, Test Size 0.2]
split --> enc
style prepro fill:#2B3467,color:#FCD900,rx:20,ry:20;
subgraph clean[Data Cleanup]
direction TB
CA[Fill invalid RestingBP data with Median] --> CB[Drop rows with invalid Cholesterol data]
style clean color:#FCD900,rx:20,ry:20;
subgraph enc[Feature Engineering]
direction TB
EA[MinMax Scaler] --> EB[Standard Scaler]
EB --> EC[One Hot Encoding]
EC --> ED[EDA]
style enc color:#FCD900,rx:20,ry:20;
subgraph blmodel[Baseline Models]
direction TB
BA[Logistic Regression]
BB[Support Vector Machines]
BC[Decision Tree]
BD[Random Forest]
BE[Stochastic Gradient Descent]
BF[Fit and Evaluate]
BA --> BF
BB --> BF
BC --> BF
BD --> BF
BE --> BF
BF --> BG[Dropping Features]
style blmodel color:#FCD900,rx:20,ry:20;
A[Load Dataset] --> prepro
prepro --> blmodel