A fully-featured Chip8 emulator written in GO.
The following is the planned features of Chip-fa:
- Screen emulation
- Sound emulation
- Keypad emulation
- Debugger
- Memory view (in debugger)
Chip-fa's executable is currently available in these platforms:
- Windows x86
- Windows x64
- Linux x64
Mac OS is currently not supported due to metal that cannot be cross-compiled.
To download the executable, head to release section.
For best experiece of using Chip-fa, please add it to the system PATH.
# Linux/Mac:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/chip-fa"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
# Windows:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\chip-fa\
All NON-LINUX releases is created with XGO cross compile tool. compatibility not guaranteed.
Running a ROM with default configuration
chip-fa -r roms/tetris.ch8
You can also set the window scaling using the -s flag
chip-fa -r roms/tetris.ch8 -s 2.0
If you are using HIDPI screen, please make sure to set the -x flag according to your system scaling if not done automatically.
chip-fa -r roms/tetris.ch8 -x 2.0
If you want to alter the amount of cycle per second, it can be done by the -c flag.
# Run the emulator at 600/60 of the normal clock speed
chip-fa -r roms/tetris.ch8 -c 600
You can also enable debug mode for developing ROMS. (more about the debugger at the next section)
chip-fa -r roms/tetris.ch8 -d
Official Chip-fa ROMS is listed below:
- https://github.com/kronmess/chip-fa-demo
- https://github.com/dankpanda/chip-fa-benchmark
- https://github.com/will8889/chip-fa-game
Chip-fa includes a very powerful debugger for ROM developer. This debugger can be activated by pressing 0 when you are running a ROM the -d flag and will also be automatically activated when running a ROM with breakpoint (0x0001) instruction (this instruction is only available to this emulator). Some of the common use cases is available here:
Gather CPU related information (I,PC,stack,SP)
Gather instructions surrounding the current program counter
Set a specific value to a register, in this case VF with value of 0xFF
sv 0xF 0xFF
more information about the command available in the debuger can be accessed from the help menu.
- 0x0001: Debug breakpoint, if a ROM contains this operation code, and debuggin mode is on, the application while stop and activate the debugger shell.
Please create a new issue with the bugs detail.
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