Coils.jl is a julia
package for designing magnetic field coils. It uses a method of designing coils on a predefined grid, published as A simple method of coil design Am. J. Phys. 86, 602 (2018), arXiv 1709.04681.
The project has been developed at ETH Zürich in the Group for Precision Physics at Low Energy.
For julia 1.0 or newer you can install the package by pressing ]
to enter the pkg mode and:
(v1.0) pkg> add
See the example.ipynb
jupyter notebook for an introduction.
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:rawlik/Coils.jl.git
In julia, press ]
to activate package management environment
(@v1.9) pkg> dev .
Working is much easier with the Revise
module. The changes in the files are automatically loaded.
(@v1.9) pkg> add Revise
Press backspace to exit the package management environment, and import Coils
julia> using Revise
julia> using Coils
To change the dependencies of the package activate its project. Run from the directory of the cloned repository:
(@v1.9) pkg> activate .
In the main folder, do:
julia --project=. -i test/runtests.jl