This course covers the basics of Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics, with the goal of variant calling and interpretation.
The material is designed to be a 3 hour workshop and is run on Tufts High Performance Compute (HPC) Cluster. For support with this workshop or the HPC cluster, email TTS Research Technology [email protected]
If you are taking this workshop on 5/19/20, please use Piazza for discussion. The class is listed in term Summer 2020, 1: Intro to NGS Bioinformatics
- Writing and running bash scripts on the HPC
- Intro to several bioinformatics tools: BWA, Samtools, Picard, GATK, VEP, IGV
- Variant Calling, Annotation and Interpretation using a Human Exome sample
- Introduction
- Setup
- Quality Control
- Alignment
- Alignment Cleanup
- Variant Calling
- Annotation and Interpretation
Much of this workshop has been adapted from the HBC Training In Depth NGS Analysis Course with the help of Dr. Wenwen Huo at Tufts University.