(you might want to save this repo to ~)
To do before wrecking of self.
- SSH keys
- Xcode
- Homebrew
- Ruby + rvm
- Python + pip
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Sequel Pro
- FileZilla
- CyberDuck
- Docker for Mac (Beta)
- Kitematic
- + Postico
- Spotify
- Sonos
- VNC Viewer
- Node
- nvm
- ngrok
- yarn
- gulp
- browsersync
- grunt-cli
- vue-cli
- foundation-cli
- webpack-dev-server
- iTerm 2
- Tmux + reattach-to-user-namespace
- Powerline*
- Sublime Text 3
- Visual Studio Code (main)
- Pushbullet
- 1Password
- Slack
- Livestreamer
- Miro Video Converter
- Handbrake
- ImageOptim
*Custom config found in my private fork of powerline
- MenuMeters
- Spectacle
- Numi
- Bartender
- Flux
- BetterTouchTool
- cd
- SpotMenu