Task: Create a script that loops through all the stocks for one year and outputs the following information:
• The ticker symbol
• Yearly change from the opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year.
• The percentage change from the opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year.
• The total stock volume of the stock.
• The greatest persent increase
• The lowest perscnt increase
• The greatest total volume
• The VBA script can run on all sheets successfully.
- Multiple_year_stock_data.bas (xlsm file too large to upload)
- Multiple_year_stock_data_2018_screencap.PNG
- Multiple_year_stock_data_2019_screencap.PNG
- Multiple_year_stock_data_2020_screencap.PNG
- ReadMe
Needed help from AskBCS. There was an error with:
// id_row = ws.Range("L2:L" & lastrow).Find(greatest_stock_volume, , xlValues).Row
The above line caused an "Run-Time Error 91: Object Variable or With Block Variable Not Set"
It was deduced with AskBCS that there was a limitation with the 'Find' command and the length of the variable 'greatest_stock_volume'.
With help from AskBCS, I replaced faulty code with:
// id_row = ws.Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(greatest_stock_volume, ws.Range("L2:L" & lastrow), 0)
- Chose to use an Array to display the headers as I wanted to practise using Arrays.