This repository contains Stata code that cleans and normalizes all RAIS for years 1985-2020.
More information about RAIS, the Brazilian matched employer-employee dataset:
- Stata (preferably version 14+)
- Clone or download the repository.
- Paste the raw RAIS data files into
. - Run the dofile
This repository outputs RAIS all cleaned and normalized. It generates three sets of main datasets: (1) at worker-establishment-municipality level, (2) at worker-municipality level, (3) at establishment-municipality level. It also builds collapsed data sets at establishment-municipality and establishment level.
It provides some cleaning fixes to the original data:
- It standardizes all variable names and labels.
- It fixes wage variables with missing values.
- It generates deflated wage variables, relative to 2020.
- It allows for sample output data sets, if one prefers to work with smaller files.
- It standardizes classification variables (CNAE and CBO), and builds IBGE's broad sectors variables.
- It classifies types of establishments, into public, private, nonprofit, and by sphere/branch of government.
- It reconstructs CPF data back to years before 2003, for workers who show up in prior years.
- See the file
for a complete dictionary of variables, labels, values and availability year-by-year. - Identified RAIS data is not public. To get access to it, one must (1) be in an university/institution that already has an agreement with the Ministério da Economia, or (2) apply for new access.
- Run this in a server with supercomputer capabilities. RAIS files are large.
- For advice on structuring directories and code, please refer to my template repository.
- Prof. Marc Muendler (UCSD) has useful material about RAIS.
If you benefit from code in this repository, please cite it in your work as:
- Dahis, Ricardo (2024) Cleaning the Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS) dataset, 1985-2020. Github repository -
If you find any issues in my code, or have any suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or just email me at [email protected].