Proof of Concept: Implement a Plugin System using WASM WASI preview 2
cargo install cargo-component --locked
rustup target add wasm32-wasi
cd reactive-graph-plugin-api
cargo component build
cd -
- Generates a reactive-graph-plugin-api/src/
- Generates libreactive_graph_plugin_api.rlib
- Used by the custom plugin and by the host system
cd reactive-graph-custom-plugin
cargo component build
cd -
- Generates a reactive-graph-custom-plugin/src/
- Generates reactive_graph_custom_plugin.wasm
- WASM file is loaded by the host system at runtime
cargo run
- The host system loads the WASM plugin
- The host system executes the greeting function of the loaded plugin
- The custom plugin directly prints to stdout
- The custom plugin receives a string parameter
- The custom plugin generates and returns a greeting message
- The host system prints the returned greeting message
- Completed
- Implementation functional
- Tooling functional
- Reactive Graph could use this to load plugins written in "any" language that compiles to WASM
- Reactive Graph could use this to load behaviours for reactive entities or reactive relations
- Very useful
- Can be used for behaviours AND for non-native-plugins
- Should be integrated