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react-translations-bot committed Oct 16, 2023
2 parents 9b9a51b + e85b71d commit 86376dd
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Showing 22 changed files with 441 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"next-remote-watch": "^1.0.0",
"parse-numeric-range": "^1.2.0",
"react": "^0.0.0-experimental-16d053d59-20230506",
"react-collapsed": "npm:@gaearon/[email protected]",
"react-collapsed": "4.0.4",
"react-dom": "^0.0.0-experimental-16d053d59-20230506",
"remark-frontmatter": "^4.0.1",
"remark-gfm": "^3.0.1"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/components/Layout/Sidebar/SidebarRouteTree.tsx
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import {useRef, useLayoutEffect, Fragment} from 'react';
import cn from 'classnames';
import {useRouter} from 'next/router';
import {SidebarLink} from './SidebarLink';
import useCollapse from 'react-collapsed';
import {useCollapse} from 'react-collapsed';
import usePendingRoute from 'hooks/usePendingRoute';
import type {RouteItem} from 'components/Layout/getRouteMeta';

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/components/Seo.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ const deployedTranslations = [
// We'll add more languages when they have enough content.
// Please DO NOT edit this list without a discussion in the reactjs/ repo.
// It must be the same between all translations.
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ June 15, 2022 by [Andrew Clark](, [Dan Abramov](http


[React 18]( was years in the making, and with it brought valuable lessons for the React team. Its release was the result of many years of research and exploring many paths. Some of those paths were successful; many more were dead-ends that led to new insights. One lesson we’ve learned is that it’s frustrating for the community to wait for new features without having insight into these paths that we’re exploring.
[React 18]( was years in the making, and with it brought valuable lessons for the React team. Its release was the result of many years of research and exploring many paths. Some of those paths were successful; many more were dead-ends that led to new insights. One lesson we’ve learned is that it’s frustrating for the community to wait for new features without having insight into these paths that we’re exploring.


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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/content/community/
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ October 27th 2023. In-person in Verona, Italy and online (hybrid event)

[Website]( - [Twitter]( - [Facebook]( - [YouTube](

### React Summit US 2023 {/*react-summit-us-2023*/}
November 13 & 15, 2023. In-person in New York, US + remote first interactivity (hybrid event)

Expand All @@ -66,6 +65,11 @@ December 8 & 12, 2023. In-person in Berlin, Germany + remote first interactivity

[Website]( - [Twitter]( - [Facebook]( - [Videos](

### App.js Conf 2024 {/*appjs-conf-2024*/}
May 22 - 24, 2024. In-person in Kraków, Poland + remote

[Website]( - [Twitter](

### Render(ATL) 2024 🍑 {/*renderatl-2024-*/}
June 12 - June 14, 2024. Atlanta, GA, USA

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/content/learn/
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Expand Up @@ -284,7 +284,11 @@ Sinun ei myöskään tarvitse huolehtia [mutaatioiden välttämistä](/learn/upd

## Ref ja DOM {/*refs-and-the-dom*/}

<<<<<<< HEAD
Voit osoittaa refin mihin tahansa arvoon. Kuitenkin yleisin käyttökohde refille on DOM elementin käsittely. Esimerkiksi, tämä on kätevää jos haluat focusoida syöttölaatikon ohjelmakoodissa. Kun annat refin `ref`-attribuuttiin JSX:ssä, kuten `<div ref={myRef}>`, React asettaa vastaavan DOM elementin `myRef.current`:iin. Voit lukea lisää tästä [Manipulating the DOM with Refs.](/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refs)
You can point a ref to any value. However, the most common use case for a ref is to access a DOM element. For example, this is handy if you want to focus an input programmatically. When you pass a ref to a `ref` attribute in JSX, like `<div ref={myRef}>`, React will put the corresponding DOM element into `myRef.current`. Once the element is removed from the DOM, React will update `myRef.current` to be `null`. You can read more about this in [Manipulating the DOM with Refs.](/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refs)
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/content/learn/
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Expand Up @@ -1086,7 +1086,11 @@ Tässä `<Recipe {...recipe} key={} />` on lyhytsyntaksi joka "välitt

#### Listat erottimella {/*list-with-a-separator*/}

<<<<<<< HEAD
Tämä esimerkki renderöi kuuluisan Katsushika Hokusain haikun, jokaisen rivin ollessa kääritty `<p>` tagin sisään. Tehtäväsi on sijoittaa `<hr />` erotin jokaisen kappaleen jälkeen. Lopputuloksen rakennelman pitäisi näyttää tältä:
This example renders a famous haiku by Tachibana Hokushi, with each line wrapped in a `<p>` tag. Your job is to insert an `<hr />` separator between each paragraph. Your resulting structure should look like this:
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4
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12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/content/learn/
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Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,16 @@ Jos haluat rakentaa uuden sovelluksen tai verkkosivuston täysin Reactilla, suos
**[Next.js]( on full-stack React-ohjelmistokehys.** Se on monipuolinen ja antaa sinun luoda React-sovelluksia mistä tahansa koosta--lähes staattisesta blogista monimutkaiseen dynaamiseen sovellukseen. Luodaksesi uuden Next.js-projektin, aja terminaalissa:

npx create-next-app
npx create-next-app@latest

Jos olet uusi Next.js:ään, tutustu [Next.js tutoriaaliin.](

<<<<<<< HEAD
Next.js:ää ylläpitää [Vercel]( Voit [julkaista Next.js-sovelluksen]( mihin tahansa Node.js- tai serverless-ympäristöön, tai omalla palvelimellasi. [Täysin staattiset Next.js-sovellukset]( voidaan julkaista missö tahansa staattisessa hosting-ympäristössä.
Next.js is maintained by [Vercel]( You can [deploy a Next.js app]( to any Node.js or serverless hosting, or to your own server. Next.js also supports a [static export]( which doesn't require a server.
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4
### Remix {/*remix*/}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +93,7 @@ Nämä ominaisuudet ovat lähempänä tuotantokäyttöä joka päivä, ja olemme

### Next.js (App Router) {/*nextjs-app-router*/}

<<<<<<< HEAD
**[Next.js's App Router]( on Next.js:n API:en uudelleensuunnittelu, joka tähtää React-tiimin full-stack arkkitehtuurin visioon.** Se antaa sinun hakea dataa asynkronisissa komponenteissa, jotka suoritetaan palvelimella tai jopa rakennusaikana.

Next.js:ää ylläpitää [Vercel]( Voit [julkaista Next.js-sovelluksen]( mihin tahansa Node.js- tai serverless-ympäristöön, tai omalla palvelimellasi. Next.js tukee myös [staattista vientiä](, joka ei vaadi palvelinta.
Expand All @@ -97,6 +102,11 @@ Next.js:ää ylläpitää [Vercel]( Voit [julkaista Next.js
**Next.js:n App Router on tällä hetkellä beta-vaiheessa eikä sitä vielä suositella tuotantokäyttöön** (maaliskuussa 2023). Kokeillaksesi sitä olemassa olevassa Next.js-projektissa, [seuraa tätä ohjeistusta](

**[Next.js's App Router]( is a redesign of the Next.js APIs aiming to fulfill the React team’s full-stack architecture vision.** It lets you fetch data in asynchronous components that run on the server or even during the build.

Next.js is maintained by [Vercel]( You can [deploy a Next.js app]( to any Node.js or serverless hosting, or to your own server. Next.js also supports [static export]( which doesn't require a server.
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4

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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/content/learn/
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Expand Up @@ -2075,7 +2075,17 @@ export default function Game() {
<<<<<<< HEAD
Voit nähdä miltä koodisi tulisi näyttää alla. Huomaa, että sinun tulisi nähdä virhe kehittäjätyökalujen konsolissa, joka sanoo: ``Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `Game`.`` Korjaat tämän virheen seuraavassa osiossa.
You can see what your code should look like below. Note that you should see an error in the developer tools console that says:
<ConsoleBlock level="warning">
Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of &#96;Game&#96;.
You'll fix this error in the next section.
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/content/learn/
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Expand Up @@ -284,7 +284,11 @@ export default App = AppTSX;


<<<<<<< HEAD
Tämä tekniikka toimii kun sinulla on oletusarvo joka on järkevä - mutta on tapauksia jolloin sitä ei ole, ja näissä tapauksissa `null` voi tuntua järkevältä oletusarvolta. Kuitenkin, jotta tyyppijärjestelmä ymmärtäisi koodisi, sinun täytyy eksplisiittisesti asettaa `ContextShape | null` `createContext`:lle.
This technique works when you have a default value which makes sense - but there are occasionally cases when you do not, and in those cases `null` can feel reasonable as a default value. However, to allow the type-system to understand your code, you need to explicitly set `ContextShape | null` on the `createContext`.
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4
Tämä aiheuttaa ongelman jossa sinun täytyy eliminoida `| null` tyyppi kontekstin kuluttajilta. Suosituksemme on että hookki tekee runtime tarkistuksen sen olemassaolosta ja heittää virheen kun sitä ei ole:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,4 +464,8 @@ Suosittelemme seuraavia resursseja:

- [React TypeScript Cheatsheet]( on yhteisön ylläpitämä lunttilappu TypeScriptin käyttöön Reactin kanssa, kattaa paljon hyödyllisiä reunoja ja tarjoaa enemmän syvyyttä kuin tämä dokumentti.

- [TypeScript Community Discord]( on hyvä paikka kysyä kysymyksiä ja saada apua TypeScriptin ja Reactin ongelmiin.
<<<<<<< HEAD
- [TypeScript Community Discord]( on hyvä paikka kysyä kysymyksiä ja saada apua TypeScriptin ja Reactin ongelmiin.
- [TypeScript Community Discord]( is a great place to ask questions and get help with TypeScript and React issues.
>>>>>>> e85b71de88a20cda9588f51f01d4a70e5cbe1cb4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ Streaming does not need to wait for React itself to load in the browser, or for
- Data fetching with Suspense-enabled frameworks like [Relay]( and [Next.js](
- Lazy-loading component code with [`lazy`](/reference/react/lazy)
- Reading the value of a Promise with [`use`](/reference/react/use)
Suspense **does not** detect when data is fetched inside an Effect or event handler.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ Streaming does not need to wait for React itself to load in the browser, or for
- Data fetching with Suspense-enabled frameworks like [Relay]( and [Next.js](
- Lazy-loading component code with [`lazy`](/reference/react/lazy)
- Reading the value of a Promise with [`use`](/reference/react/use)
Suspense **does not** detect when data is fetched inside an Effect or event handler.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/content/reference/react/
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Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function onRender(id, phase, actualDuration, baseDuration, startTime, commitTime
* `actualDuration`: The number of milliseconds spent rendering the `<Profiler>` and its descendants for the current update. This indicates how well the subtree makes use of memoization (e.g. [`memo`](/reference/react/memo) and [`useMemo`](/reference/react/useMemo)). Ideally this value should decrease significantly after the initial mount as many of the descendants will only need to re-render if their specific props change.
* `baseDuration`: The number of milliseconds estimating how much time it would take to re-render the entire `<Profiler>` subtree without any optimizations. It is calculated by summing up the most recent render durations of each component in the tree. This value estimates a worst-case cost of rendering (e.g. the initial mount or a tree with no memoization). Compare `actualDuration` against it to see if memoization is working.
* `startTime`: A numeric timestamp for when React began rendering the current update.
* `endTime`: A numeric timestamp for when React committed the current update. This value is shared between all profilers in a commit, enabling them to be grouped if desirable.
* `commitTime`: A numeric timestamp for when React committed the current update. This value is shared between all profilers in a commit, enabling them to be grouped if desirable.


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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/content/reference/react/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ async function getAlbums() {

- Data fetching with Suspense-enabled frameworks like [Relay]( and [Next.js](
- Lazy-loading component code with [`lazy`](/reference/react/lazy)
- Reading the value of a Promise with [`use`](/reference/react/use)

Suspense **does not** detect when data is fetched inside an Effect or event handler.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/content/reference/react/
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Expand Up @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ See prior mentioned pitfalls
If none of the above apply, it may be a problem with how React checks if something exists in cache.
If your arguments are not [primatives]( (ex. objects, functions, arrays), ensure you're passing the same object reference.
If your arguments are not [primitives]( (ex. objects, functions, arrays), ensure you're passing the same object reference.
When calling a memoized function, React will look up the input arguments to see if a result is already cached. React will use shallow equality of the arguments to determine if there is a cache hit.
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153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions src/content/reference/react/
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@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
title: experimental_taintObjectReference


**This API is experimental and is not available in a stable version of React yet.**

You can try it by upgrading React packages to the most recent experimental version:

- `react@experimental`
- `react-dom@experimental`
- `eslint-plugin-react-hooks@experimental`

Experimental versions of React may contain bugs. Don't use them in production.

This API is only available inside React Server Components.



`taintObjectReference` lets you prevent a specific object instance from being passed to a Client Component like a `user` object.

experimental_taintObjectReference(message, object);

To prevent passing a key, hash or token, see [`taintUniqueValue`](/reference/react/experimental_taintUniqueValue).


<InlineToc />


## Reference {/*reference*/}

### `taintObjectReference(message, object)` {/*taintobjectreference*/}

Call `taintObjectReference` with an object to register it with React as something that should not be allowed to be passed to the Client as is:

import {experimental_taintObjectReference} from 'react';

'Do not pass ALL environment variables to the client.',

[See more examples below.](#usage)

#### Parameters {/*parameters*/}

* `message`: The message you want to display if the object gets passed to a Client Component. This message will be displayed as a part of the Error that will be thrown if the object gets passed to a Client Component.

* `object`: The object to be tainted. Functions and class instances can be passed to `taintObjectReference` as `object`. Functions and classes are already blocked from being passed to Client Components but the React's default error message will be replaced by what you defined in `message`. When a specific instance of a Typed Array is passed to `taintObjectReference` as `object`, any other copies of the Typed Array will not be tainted.

#### Returns {/*returns*/}

`experimental_taintObjectReference` returns `undefined`.

#### Caveats {/*caveats*/}

- Recreating or cloning a tainted object creates a new untained object which main contain sensetive data. For example, if you have a tainted `user` object, `const userInfo = {name:, ssn: user.ssn}` or `{...user}` will create new objects which are not tainted. `taintObjectReference` only protects against simple mistakes when the object is passed through to a Client Component unchanged.


**Do not rely on just tainting for security.** Tainting an object doesn't prevent leaking of every possible derived value. For example, the clone of a tainted object will create a new untained object. Using data from a tainted object (e.g. `{secret: taintedObj.secret}`) will create a new value or object that is not tainted. Tainting is a layer of protection; a secure app will have multiple layers of protection, well designed APIs, and isolation patterns.



## Usage {/*usage*/}

### Prevent user data from unintentionally reaching the client {/*prevent-user-data-from-unintentionally-reaching-the-client*/}

A Client Component should never accept objects that carry sensitive data. Ideally, the data fetching functions should not expose data that the current user should not have access to. Sometimes mistakes happen during refactoring. To protect against this mistakes happening down the line we can "taint" the user object in our data API.

import {experimental_taintObjectReference} from 'react';

export async function getUser(id) {
const user = await db`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${id}`;
'Do not pass the entire user object to the client. ' +
'Instead, pick off the specific properties you need for this use case.',
return user;

Now whenever anyone tries to pass this object to a Client Component, an error will be thrown with the passed in error message instead.


#### Protecting against leaks in data fetching {/*protecting-against-leaks-in-data-fetching*/}

If you're running a Server Components environment that has access to sensitive data, you have to be careful not to pass objects straight through:

// api.js
export async function getUser(id) {
const user = await db`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${id}`;
return user;

import { getUser } from 'api.js';
import { InfoCard } from 'components.js';

export async function Profile(props) {
const user = await getUser(props.userId);
return <InfoCard user={user} />;

// components.js
"use client";

export async function InfoCard({ user }) {
return <div>{}</div>;

Ideally, the `getUser` should not expose data that the current user should not have access to. To prevent passing the `user` object to a Client Component down the line we can "taint" the user object:

// api.js
import {experimental_taintObjectReference} from 'react';

export async function getUser(id) {
const user = await db`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${id}`;
'Do not pass the entire user object to the client. ' +
'Instead, pick off the specific properties you need for this use case.',
return user;

Now if anyone tries to pass the `user` object to a Client Component, an error will be thrown with the passed in error message.


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