This is a simple CLI application that saves a document comprising an id and a list of tokens, as well as query said documents in a timely manner.
This solution is based on scalability and expandability. In the Docker container there are 4 main parts: Two Elasticsearch instances, a load balancer to distribute the load evenly between them and finally a spring boot application containing the CLI needed to interact wit the application. Ideally we would need another entrypoint, communicating with the app via REST or messaging.
Docker Compose is used to configure the cluster. It uses a shared network to make it possible for the nodes to communicate with the load-balancer and with each other for synchronization. Components of the cluster are listed below:
- load-balancer:80 exposed on port 80 to the host machine
- es01:9200 exposed on port 9200
- es02:9201 exposed on port 9200
- spring boot app
After the spring boot app is started, all the needed beans are created and the CLI becomes available to the user. Below are the supported commands:
- help : prints helpful info on each command
- index : uses elasticsearch repository to add a document to the index
- query : uses elasticsearch repository to get the document ids which match the query expression
- quit : exit the application
As hinted by the diagram, A next step for this app would be to move the CLI app outside the docker network environment, and offer the commands of the spring boot app via REST API. Spring is not really designed for CLI applications, so it would be better to have that separately.
JDK 8+
Apache Maven 3+
Before running anything, you might need to increase the max vm memory size in docker. To do this in windows run the following commands:
wsl -d docker-desktop
and then:
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Navigate to the root folder of the project and run the following commands: Start a cluster of three ElasticSearch nodes with Docker Compose
docker-compose up -d
Create the application image using Docker Build
docker build -t search-engine-app .
Start the application using Docker Run
docker run --rm -it --network searchengine_elastic search-engine-app