EasyPost is a simple shipping API. You can sign up for an account at https://easypost.com
Install the gem:
gem install easypost
Import the EasyPost client in your application:
require 'easypost'
require 'easypost'
EasyPost.api_key = 'cueqNZUb3ldeWTNX7MU3Mel8UXtaAMUi'
to_address = EasyPost::Address.create(
:name => 'Sawyer Bateman',
:street1 => '1A Larkspur Cres.',
:city => 'St. Albert',
:state => 'AB',
:zip => 't8n2m4',
:country => 'CA',
:phone => '780-273-8374'
from_address = EasyPost::Address.create(
:company => 'Simpler Postage Inc',
:street1 => '388 Townsend Street',
:street2 => 'Apt 20',
:city => 'San Francisco',
:state => 'CA',
:zip => '94107',
:phone => '415-456-7890'
parcel = EasyPost::Parcel.create(
:width => 15.2,
:length => 18,
:height => 9.5,
:weight => 35.1
customs_item = EasyPost::CustomsItem.create(
:description => 'EasyPost T-shirts',
:quantity => 2,
:value => 23.56,
:weight => 33,
:origin_country => 'us',
:hs_tariff_number => 123456
customs_info = EasyPost::CustomsInfo.create(
:integrated_form_type => 'form_2976',
:customs_certify => true,
:customs_signer => 'Dr. Pepper',
:contents_type => 'gift',
:contents_explanation => '', # only required when contents_type => 'other'
:eel_pfc => 'NOEEI 30.37(a)',
:non_delivery_option => 'abandon',
:restriction_type => 'none',
:restriction_comments => '',
:customs_items => [customs_item]
shipment = EasyPost::Shipment.create(
:to_address => to_address,
:from_address => from_address,
:parcel => parcel,
:customs_info => customs_info
:rate => shipment.lowest_rate
puts shipment.postage_label.label_url
Defaults to 0.
The number of times to retry timeouts connecting to server (503s)
Defaults to 10 seconds.
The number of seconds to sleep between each attempt to reach the server after a 503.
Up-to-date documentation at: https://easypost.com/docs
rspec spec