Command line interface for the LCMAP system
$ git clone
$ git checkout tags/<tag_name>
$ lein bin
Command | Parameters | Description |
lcmap grids | list configured grids | |
lcmap grid | --grid --dataset | show grid configuration |
lcmap snap | --grid --dataset --x --y | snap point to tile/chip |
lcmap near | --grid --dataset --x --y | tile/chip xys near point |
lcmap tile-to-xy | --grid --dataset --tile | look up a tile xy from id |
lcmap xy-to-tile | --grid --dataset --x --y | look up a tile id from xy |
lcmap chips | --grid --dataset --tile | list chip xys for tile |
lcmap ingest | --grid --dataset --source | ingest a layer |
lcmap ingest-list-available | --grid --dataset --tile | list ingestable layers |
lcmap ingest-list-completed | --grid --dataset --tile | list ingested layers |
lcmap detect | --grid --tile --acquired | detect changes for a tile |
lcmap detect-chip | --grid --cx --cy --acquired | detect changes for a chip |
lcmap train | --grid --tile --acquired --date | train a model for a tile |
lcmap predict | --grid --tile --month --day --acquired | predict a tile |
lcmap predict-chip | --grid --tx --ty --cx --cy --month --day --acquired | predict a chip |
lcmap product | --grid --tile --names --years | generate product data for tile |
lcmap product-chip | --grid --cx --cy --names --years | generate product data for chip |
lcmap raster | --grid --tile --names --years | generate tile size map tiff |
Not all commands accept all parameters. Use lcmap -h for usage
Parameter | Description |
--grid | grid identifier (conus, alaska, hawaii) |
--tile | tile identifier (001001, 012019, ...) |
--dataset | dataset identifier (ard, aux, ccdc) |
--x | horizontal projection coordinate |
--y | vertical projection coordinate |
--tx | tile x coordinate |
--ty | tile y coordinate |
--cx | chip x coordinate |
--cy | chip y coordinate |
--source | source layer filename (layer1.tiff, no path) |
--acquired | iso8601 date range string (YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD) |
--names | names of products to create, comma separated |
--date | iso8601 date string (YYYY-MM-DD) |
--day | day of week (numerical) |
--month | month (numerical) |
--years | years for which product values are calculated |
--verbose | display additional information |
-h --help | display help |
lcmap-cli requires n config file at ~/.usgs/lcmap-cli.edn.
{:http-options {:timeout 2400000}
:grids {:conus {:ard "http://host:port/path"
:aux "http://host:port/path"
:ccdc "http://host:port/path"
:grid "/grid"
:snap "/grid/snap"
:near "/grid/near"
:inventory "/inventory"
:sources "/sources"
:tile "/tile"
:chip "/chip"
:pixel "/pixel"
:segment "/segment"
:prediction "/prediction"
:product "/product"
:raster "/raster"
:segment-instance-count 25
:prediction-instance-count 1
:prediction-sleep-for 1000
:product-instance-count 1
:raster-instance-count 1
:segment-sleep-for 1000
:product-month "07"
:product-day "01"}
:alaska {:ard "http://host:port/path"
:aux "http://host:port/path"
:ccdc "http://host:port/path"
:grid "/grid"
:snap "/grid/snap"
:near "/grid/near"
:inventory "/inventory"
:sources "/sources"
:tile "/tile"
:chip "/chip"
:pixel "/pixel"
:segment "/segment"
:prediction "/prediction"
:product "/product"
:raster "/raster"
:segment-instance-count 1
:prediction-instance-count 1
:prediction-sleep-for 1000
:product-instance-count 1
:raster-instance-count 1
:segment-sleep-for 1000
:product-month "07"
:product-day "01"}
:hawaii {:ard "http://host:port/path"
:aux "http://host:port/path"
:ccdc "http://host:port/path"
:grid "/grid"
:snap "/grid/snap"
:near "/grid/near"
:inventory "/inventory"
:sources "/sources"
:tile "/tile"
:chip "/chip"
:pixel "/pixel"
:segment "/segment"
:prediction "/prediction"
:product "/product"
:raster "/raster"
:segment-instance-count 1
:prediction-instance-count 1
:prediction-sleep-for 1000
:product-instance-count 1
:raster-instance-count 1
:segment-sleep-for 1000
:product-month "07"
:product-day "01"}}}
# Detect changes in a tile
# Successful chips go to standard out
# Errors go to standard error
$ lcmap detect --grid conus \
--tile 025007 \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> 025007-success.txt 2>> 025007-error.txt
# Fill in any chips that experienced errors without re-running the whole tile
# Get chips x and y coordinates as bash arrays
$ xs=(`cat 025007-error.txt | jq '.cx'`)
$ ys=(`cat 025007-error.txt | jq '.cy'`)
# Iterate and run individual chips
for index in $(seq 0 $((${#xs[@]} - 1)));
lcmap detect-chip --cx $cx \
--cy $cy \
--grid conus \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> $cx_$cy-success.txt 2>> $cx_$cy-error.txt;
echo "{cx:$cx, cy:$cy}";
# Running a single chip.
# Result evaluation/filling in errors & timeouts only...
# ... starting up the JVM with Clojure is slow & inefficient
# Use lcmap detect for tile sized runs.
$ lcmap detect-chip --cx 1484415 \
--cy 2414805 \
--grid conus \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31;
# Schedule change detection in bulk.
time lcmap detect --grid conus \
--tile 028006 \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> ~/028006-success.txt 2>> ~/028006-error.txt;
time lcmap detect --grid conus \
--tile 028008 \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> ~/028008-success.txt 2>> ~/028008-error.txt;
time lcmap detect --grid conus \
--tile 029006 \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> ~/029006-success.txt 2>> ~/029006-error.txt;
time lcmap detect --grid conus \
--tile 029007 \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> ~/029007-success.txt 2>> ~/029007-error.txt;
time lcmap detect --grid conus \
--tile 029008 \
--acquired 1982-01-01/2017-12-31 \
>> ~/029008-success.txt 2>> ~/029008-error.txt;
# Training tiles
$ lcmap train --tile 032003 \
--grid conus \
--acquired 1982/2018 \
--date 2001-07-01
# Generating predicted probabilities
$ lcmap predict --tile 028008 \
--grid conus \
--acquired 1982/2018 \
--month 7 \
--day 1
# successful predictions
# unsuccessful predictions
{"tx":2234415.0,"ty":2864805.0,"cx":2372415.0,"cy":2789805.0,"month":"7","day":"1","acquired":"1982/2018","error":"{:response {:opts {:timeout 43200000, :body \"{\\\"tx\\\":2234415.0,\\\"ty\\\":2864805.0,\\\"month\\\":\\\"7\\\",\\\"day\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"acquired\\\":\\\"1982/2018\\\",\\\"cx\\\":2372415.0,\\\"cy\\\":2789805.0}\", :headers {\"Content-Type\" \"application/json\"}, :method :post, :url \"http://host/path/prediction\"}, :body \"{\\\"acquired\\\":\\\"1982/2018\\\",\\\"cx\\\":2372415,\\\"cy\\\":2789805,\\\"day\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"exception\\\":\\\"predictions exception: Input numpy.ndarray must be 2 dimensional\\\",\\\"month\\\":\\\"7\\\",\\\"tx\\\":2234415,\\\"ty\\\":2864805}\\n\", :headers {:connection \"keep-alive\", :content-length \"178\", :content-type \"application/json\", :date \"Thu, 13 Jun 2019 17:23:42 GMT\", :server \"nginx/1.12.2\"}, :status 500}}"}
$ lcmap predict-chip --tx 123456 \
--ty 654321 \
--cx 123456 \
--cy 654321 \
--grid conus \
--acquired 1982/2018 \
--month 7 \
--day 1
# success
# failure
{"tx":123456.0,"ty":654321.0,"cx":123456.0,"cy":654321.0,"month":"7","day":"1","acquired":"1982/2018","error":"{:response {:opts {:timeout 43200000, :body \"{\\\"tx\\\":123456.0,\\\"ty\\\":654321.0,\\\"month\\\":\\\"7\\\",\\\"day\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"acquired\\\":\\\"1982/2018\\\",\\\"cx\\\":123456.0,\\\"cy\\\":654321.0}\", :headers {\"Content-Type\" \"application/json\"}, :method :post, :url \"http://host/path/prediction\"}, :body \"{\\\"acquired\\\":\\\"1982/2018\\\",\\\"cx\\\":123456,\\\"cy\\\":654321,\\\"day\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"exception\\\":\\\"predictions exception: Input numpy.ndarray must be 2 dimensional\\\",\\\"month\\\":\\\"7\\\",\\\"tx\\\":123456,\\\"ty\\\":654321}\\n\", :headers {:connection \"keep-alive\", :content-length \"178\", :content-type \"application/json\", :date \"Thu, 13 Jun 2019 17:23:42 GMT\", :server \"nginx/1.12.2\"}, :status 500}}"}
# Creating Products
# Before we can produce a map, we need to have the product values calculated for
# every chip in the requested tile.
$ lcmap product --grid conus \
--tile 027008 \
--names cover,change \
--years 2002/2006 \
>> 2002_2006_product_success.txt 2>> 2002_2006_product_errors.txt;
# example stdout output:
# {"product":["cover", "change"],"cx":1484415.0,"cy":2111805.0,"dates":["2002-07-01"]}
# {"product":["cover", "change"],"cx":1484415.0,"cy":2114805.0,"dates":["2002-07-01"]}
# ...
# example stderr output if there was a problem calculating product values for a chip
# {"failed_dates":[{"2002-07-01": "validation error"}],"product":"cover","cx":1484415.0,"cy":2114805.0,"dates":["2002-07-01"]}
# example stderr output if there was a problem parsing the maps request
# {"error":"problem processing /products request: 'helpful_error_message'", "dates":"2002/2006", "product":"change", "tile":"027008", "grid":"conus"}
# Creating Maps
# Producing tile sized product maps
$ lcmap raster --grid conus \
--tile 027008 \
--names cover \
--years 2002/2006 \
>> 2002_2006_maps_success.txt 2>> 2002_2006_raster_errors.txt;
# example stdout output:
# {"tile":"027008","date":"2002-07-01","grid":"conus","ty":2114805.0,"tx":1484415.0,"product":["cover"],"resource":"maps","map_name":"LCMAP-CU-027008-2002-20190320-V01-SCSTAB.tif, ....."}
# example stderr output:
# {"error":"problem processing /maps request: 'helpful_error_message'", "date":"2002-07-01", "tile":"027008", "tx":"111111", "ty":"222222", "product":"change"}