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Gaia calculates Change and Classification product values from CCDC results. Use it to generate change and classification product values, and to produce maps.

Results are persisted to the configured Object Storage service.

Deploying Gaia

Gaia is run as a Docker container.

Minimum configuration example:

export CCD_VERSION="v01"
export CHIPMUNK_ACQUIRED="1999-01-01/2002-01-01"
export HTTP_PORT=9876
export NEMO_HOST=""
export PREDICTIONS_PATH="/conus_predictions"
export REGION="CU"
export SEGMENTS_PATH="/conus_segments"
export STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="9876asdrd"
export STORAGE_BUCKET="some-ceph-bucket"
export STORAGE_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:7480"
export STORAGE_SECRET_KEY="13235lkjis"
export Xms=4352m
export Xmx=4352m

docker run -p 9876:${HTTP_PORT} -e CCD_VERSION=${CCD_VERSION} \
                                -e CHIPMUNK_ACQUIRED=${CHIPMUNK_ACQUIRED} \
                                -e CHIPMUNK_HOST=${CHIPMUNK_HOST} \
                                -e HTTP_PORT=${HTTP_PORT} \
                                -e NEMO_HOST=${NEMO_HOST} \
                                -e PREDICTIONS_PATH=${PREDICTIONS_PATH} \
                                -e REGION=${REGION} \
                                -e SEGMENTS_PATH=${SEGMENTS_PATH} \
                                -e STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY=$(STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY) \
                                -e STORAGE_BUCKET=$(STORAGE_BUCKET) \
                                -e STORAGE_ENDPOINT=$(STORAGE_ENDPOINT) \
                                -e STORAGE_SECRET_KEY=$(STORAGE_SECRET_KEY) \
                                -e Xms=${Xms} \
                                -e Xmx=${Xmx} \
                                -it usgseros/lcmap-gaia:latest

Gaia is configured using these environment variables:

ENV Description Default
CCD_VERSION version of ccd algorithm used to
generate input data
CHIPMUNK_ACQUIRED acquired value for requesting aux data "1999-01-01/2002-01-01"
CHIPMUNK_HOST base url for lcmap-chipmunk resource
FILL_DIFFLC fill between different landcover values true
FILL_SAMELC fill between same landcover values true
HTTP_PORT HTTP port to expose the server at 9876
LC_AFTERBREAK confidence value for after break 214
LC_AG cover value for agriculture 2
LC_BACK confidence value for fill back 213
LC_BARREN cover value for barren 8
LC_DECLINE confidence value for decline 152
LC_DEVELOP cover value for developed 1
LC_DIFFLC confidence value for different cover values 212
LC_FORWARDS confidence value for fill forward 202
LC_GRASS cover value for grass 3
LC_GROWTH confidence value for growth 151
LC_NOMODEL confidence value for no model 201
LC_NONE cover value for 'none' 0
LC_SAMELC confidence value for same cover values 211
LC_SNOW cover value for snow 7
LC_TREE cover value for trees 4
LC_WATER cover value for water 5
LC_WETLAND cover value for wetland 6
NEMO_HOST base url for lcmap-nemo resource
NEMO_TIMEOUT timeout value for Nemo requests (ms) 2400000
PREDICTIONS_PATH resource path for prediction data
QUERY_DAY date to calculate product values for "07-01"
REGION region abbreviation (cu, ak, hi)
RETRY_STRATEGY wait times for subsequent retries [ms,] [5000 15000 30000]
SEGMENTS_PATH resource path for segment data
STABILITY_BEGIN start of collection data "1982-01-01"
STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY access key for object storage service
STORAGE_BUCKET name of the object store bucket to use
`STORAGE_DESTINATION name of object store bucket to persist to ${STORAGE_BUCKET}
STORAGE_ENDPOINT url for object storage service
STORAGE_SECRET_KEY secret key for object storage service
WORK_DIR dir within container to run the jar, /
temporary files are kept here (used only by in container)
Xms minimum JVM memory
Xmx maximum JVM memory

Local storage considerations

Docker containers exist under the /var/lib/docker/containers dir on the host system.
Temporary files created by lcmap-gaia during raster creation will be written under the container specific location within that directory.

If you define the $WORK_DIR env variable, and mount a host folder to this location within the container, temporary files will be operated on at this mount point.

For example, say you have some high performance SSD mounted locally at /mnt/mesos/sandbox where you'd prefer temp files be placed. You could mount that local directory to /sandbox in your container and define WORK_DIR=/sandbox in your docker run command.

Running a local Gaia

Using docker-compose, build a container to provide sample json, and a gaia instance

docker-compose -f resources/docker-compose.yml up

Running tests

lein test

Requesting products using HTTPie

http POST cx="1484415" \
                                 cy="2114805" \
                                 dates:="[\"2006-07-01\"]" \
                                 tile="003008" \
                                 products:="[\"change\", \"cover\"]"

Requesting a map using HTTPie

http POST date="2006-07-01" \
                                tile="003008" \
                                tilex="1484415" \
                                tiley="2114805" \
                                products:="change" \
                                chips:="[{\"cx\":\"1484415\", \"cy\":\"2114805\"},...]"

Jupyter Notebook with Clojure kernel

(require '[cemerick.pomegranate :as pom])
(pom/add-classpath "/workspace/lcmap-gaia/target/gaia-0.2.7-standalone.jar")


Secondary product generation from CCDC results







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