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This is a Next.js project that powers the original site & blogposts for

Getting Started

Install dependencies

npm run install

Run the development server:

npm run dev

This development server is not a static build

Open http://localhost:8000 with your browser to see the result. Port 8000 is only used for the development server, for production server we use the port 3000. You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

To get a static server run:

npm run start

To get a static build with HTML files and all that stuff, run:

npm run export

This will create a directory out/ which will have all the files ready.

Project Structure

- /blog-posts

All blog post markdown files go here.

- /components

Contains all the React Components that are then used in the pages.

- /config

Contains any utility config js files that you might need.

- /pages

Contains all the pages that are rendered on the website. /pages/index.jsx is the home page. To create a sub-route, just create a folder and add files. For example, creating a file /pages/page1/route1.jsx will render a link

Pages under blog/, blog/category/ and feature/ use getStaticProps function to populate data, this is for static site generation.

- /public

This is the folder that will create permanent public files. If you put a file image1.png inside pages, it'll be available at Similarly, for /public/assets/image1.png the path will be

  • /public/assets/blog-images is for the images that appear in your blog posts. Drop image files for the blog here and add a reference to them directly in your md file.

  • /public/assets/img is for the images that appear on the website.

  • /assets/videos is for the videos that appear on the website.

  • /assets/fonts has nucleo-fonts that our theme uses.

- /styles

Contains all the required css files that CAN ONLY BE IMPORTED in /pages/_app.js It also contains a constants.js that's used to specify some for the CSS files.

- /utils

Contains all the javascript functions that might be required. Put any js functions here that need to be imported in pages or components.

  • /utils/constants

    Just contains some js files that have static content which has to be imported in pages or components.

  • /utils/json

    Contains the JSON files that serve as a static API for data fetching.

- /out

This is the folder that is created after you run

npm run build

This /out folder contains all the static HTML files that are then put on the server to serve the website.

Blog Markdown Format

Since our website uses Markdown files to generate blog posts, we have to be careful about the formatting of the markdown files.

To create a blog post:

  • Create a .md file in /blog-posts directory.
  • Format the md file like this:
title: "Title Goes Here"
coverImage: "/assets/blog-images/image-goes-here.jpg"
date: "2021-07-02T11:31:13+05:30"
permalink: permalink-goes-here
author: "Name Goes Here"
excerpt: "lorem ipsum excerpt lorem ipsum"
id: 1234
	- Features
	- Announcements
	- Use Cases
	- Backend Development
	- Frontend Development
	- Guides
	- Latest News
	- Uncategorized
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sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
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officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.